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    Have heard people start walking out, whats going on, true?
    Any from Sonsub here?????????

    Scott Beveridge

    Have heard people start walking out, whats going on, true?
    Any from Sonsub here?????????

    This wouldn’t be new news by any means… It’s just another round of exodus.


    Not suprised

    they have let the rates slip again relevant to other Singapore based companies like Canyon.

    Canyon Singapore now paying 1000 usd for spv and 800 for senior pilot tech plus a very good bonus

    Sonsub sing 750 usd for spv and 550 to 650 for senior pilot tech

    plus a whole bunch of other annoying little things the new ops manager is dicking with eg: no meals paid for when travelling or in hotels now, no longer reimbursing for safety foot wear, not giving the longer serving experienced guys the jobs when it is quiet giving them instead to cheaper phillipino labour, not balancing the teams ie: 1 ex pat spv and 2 phillipino techs with little experience or interest in the job, not preparing the ROVs properly for offshore, the rov are all old and need constant attention, not giving the guys crew changes on time and not answering their emails, in general not giving any respect to the offshore personnel who are the back bone of the company, no training schemes or courses etc etc

    in fact i hear the whole atmosphere in the office has changed since joelbert, alister, and leon left. The say nobody smiles there any more

    No wonder if the above stuff i was told is true.

    compare to Canyon Singapore where we have good rates, great guys, lots of fun, lots of familly days and workers functions ( all laid on by the company no expense spared in the name of good worker relations and improving morale and keeping hold of good staff)etc and state of the art equip and balanced crews who all know what they are doing. Makes life easier and the job is fun.

    i heard Sonsub Singapore is on a slippery slope. We already have some of the good old sonsub guys over here. I hope the new ops manager at Sonsub Singapore keeps pissing off his good guys so they leave and come here, we can always do with more good crew, especially as we are getting more and more of Sonsubs work these days.

    hmmn wonder why???


    Hi Guys

    Could someone please advise me on who to contact and contact details of Canyon Singapore.It sounds like they r a good crowd to work for and its time for a change.

    Stewart Reid

    "Canyon Singapore now paying 1000 usd for spv and 800 for senior pilot tech plus a very good bonus " ???????????

    Maybe a couple of the superstar salary girls are on that, but the present rate is US$700 & US$750 for a super. For the bonus, you must have been there at least a year and that varies by performance (dot the i’s and cross the t’s on your paperwork, etc)

    Canyon Australia are at least 6 months behind what other Ozzie companies are paying and in the end, 6 weeks pay difference pays your own bonus. That’s when it stops being called a bonus and then called…….bend over and take it like a man!!!!

    I won’t mention the story of 2 rov companies on the same field, one is on Ozzie rates and the other on US$, you do the sums.


    Scott Beveridge

    "Canyon Singapore now paying 1000 usd for spv and 800 for senior pilot tech plus a very good bonus " ???????????

    Maybe a couple of the superstar salary girls are on that, but the present rate is US$700 & US$750 for a super. For the bonus, you must have been there at least a year and that varies by performance (dot the i’s and cross the t’s on your paperwork, etc)

    Canyon Australia are at least 6 months behind what other Ozzie companies are paying and in the end, 6 weeks pay difference pays your own bonus. That’s when it stops being called a bonus and then called…….bend over and take it like a man!!!!

    I won’t mention the story of 2 rov companies on the same field, one is on Ozzie rates and the other on US$, you do the sums.


    Thanks Stewie, I’m glad some clarified that bogus statement!!! That much in SEA? I doubt it, no, I know it! And Rave, did you post that rate in the ROV Rate page?

    Canyon lads, over to you…. Sam, any comments?


    Have just heard that some of the guys has left for Canyon


    not giving the longer serving experienced guys the jobs when it is quiet giving them instead to cheaper phillipino labour, not balancing the teams ie: 1 ex pat spv and 2 phillipino techs with little experience or interest in the job, not preparing the ROVs properly for


    Im assuming you havent work with a Filipino before……It is a sad fact that we are getting peanuts compared to you guys…..but it doesnt mean that we are not qualified…most of us are professionals/engineers doing tech job..so do the math..try working with us sometimes and i’ll prove my point.!!!!!!! I have work with guys who are so called "experienced" who knows nothing but to talk…cannot even launch an ROV properly, cannot do maintenance properly ..all they do is watch porn….dont care about oil cleanliness, dont know how to use mulitimeter….i can go on…..IT IS REALLY SAD,, US DOING MUCH OF THE WORK AND GETTING PAID SO LITTLE.., .Anyway, hope this change in the future and we get paid properly…….


    Nothing wrong with Sonsub Singapore, current Ops Manager, office or offshore persons. If long term staff are being poached, headhunted, then it reflects more on the state of other companies than SS. Go away and mull these three points;

    1. Sonsub Singapore is now the last true Sonsub flame left, all the other regions have been extinguished by Saipem both in name and attitude. It remains one the few places where the number of agency persons can be counted on one hand. ❗
    2. Sonsub Singapore offers work to any person regardless of ethnic background. If you have formal training, the right attitude then Singapore might be interested in you. Those throwing barbs against one nationality might wish to look in the mirror and see if there is a little red colouring of racial prejudice showing on necks 😳
    3. The folk working in the workshop and offshore deserve a loud round of applause for the work they do. They turn all those worn out, neglected, hand me down ROVs from other regions into working ROV’s that would make any offshore ROV hand smile with pride. The average time with Sonsub Singapore is well over 5 years, you don’t get that from companies who mistreat or underpay their staff in this market. I doubt 20% of the posters here have that amount of time in the offshore industry let alone ROVs.

    πŸ’‘ So people leave, does anyone know if they were NRB ❓ I hear they still have the 3 strike rule. Three warnings from the Ops Manager and you’re out of work, regardless of time served, ethnic background or size of mouth 😈 😈 😈


    2. Sonsub Singapore offers work to any person regardless of ethnic background. If you have formal training, the right attitude then Singapore might be interested in you. Those throwing barbs against one nationality might wish to look in the mirror and see if there is a little red colouring of racial prejudice showing on necks

    I guess they get paid the same as anybody else then ❓ ❓ ❓

    Ewan McKen

    Sonsub Singapore is now the last true Sonsub flame left, all the other regions have been extinguished by Saipem both in name and attitude.

    We were extinguished?

    When did it happen?

    I must have been on the Winch and missed it.


    Scott Beveridge

    2. Sonsub Singapore offers work to any person regardless of ethnic background. If you have formal training, the right attitude then Singapore might be interested in you. Those throwing barbs against one nationality might wish to look in the mirror and see if there is a little red colouring of racial prejudice showing on necks

    I guess they get paid the same as anybody else then ❓ ❓ ❓

    Dag nab it! You beat me to the punch line!!

    Boys, don’t you think it’s time for you "underpaid / overworked / racially oppressed" rov dogs to get paid more then??? Let’s see the brass ones!


    SS has hit rock bottom in all levels of management. There is no team work, it just doesn’t exist. All for one, and that would be the current Regional Manager. The Company needs guidance and a good level of support and management. Guys are leaving, because they go where the money is of course, not of loyalty to SS. Give the personnel acknowledgement of their hard work and support of SS and then you will see the loyalty. It is not that hard, simple logic.


    2. Sonsub Singapore offers work to any person regardless of ethnic background. If you have formal training, the right attitude then Singapore might be interested in you. Those throwing barbs against one nationality might wish to look in the mirror and see if there is a little red colouring of racial prejudice showing on necks

    I guess they get paid the same as anybody else then ❓ ❓ ❓

    Dag nab it! You beat me to the punch line!!

    Boys, don’t you think it’s time for you "underpaid / overworked / racially oppressed" rov dogs to get paid more then??? Let’s see the brass ones!

    Totaly!! local crew on expat rates? aye, and bats may fly out my *rse!!


    Scott Beveridge, you say not that much in south east asia!

    I don’t know either but i do know Sat divers in asia are getting 1000 to 1300 usd per day and sat superintentdants the same, in fact 1 free lance guy was even getting 250 usd to wait at home and wait for a pending job. This is in SEA!

    It seems the ROV guys in asia are lagging behind, so i would not be suprised if there has started to be some correction and the rates quoted by Rov Rave for Canyon Singapore are correct.

    Stu do you work at Canyon?

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