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sonsub singapore new truck

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    overheard at Bernies bullshitters bar and grill

    Sonsub Singapore are to get a new truck.
    Apparently the road dog, pigdog, seadog, bling bling Les, ring in ray the welder / design end-eneer, homie, clued in carl,hows my hair Ong, and the other hard cases there that were doing mobs, didn’t mind using the spatially correspondent, state of the art, Sonsub bicycle to do the mobs at Loyang jetty. However when this was withdrawn during a cost cutting drive they all spat the dummy.

    The main issue seems to be, they were reaching Bernies bullshitters bar and grill on shanks pony only 1/2 hour before closing. So only had enough time for 42 handles of san miguel each.

    with this new purchase Sonsub Singapore will once again restate their position in the industry as the renovators of ROV technology

    ok kiddies thats all from the grapevine i’m off back to Bernies to reclaim a corner stool and do some more earwigging, Hope i make it before those Sonsub guys get there and hog my spot


    Hey man those bicycles are the go, well atleast to go n get lunch.


    e (by gum) lad

    and one may ask, what are you doing operating the bicycle? That equipment was specifically provided for the use of qualified senior staff. Not for tranees to get their lunch!

    This sort of thing would never occur when Joel Weston was running the show!

    come to mention it, what are you doing taking lunch, Grahame and Les would never have allowed that. Things must be going to the dogs there these days?


    Fugro has placed an order for a cutting-edge Kongsberg Maritime HUGIN 1000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). To be delivered Q4 2008, the third HUGIN in Fugro’s AUV arsenal will be based at the company’s Far East facilities in Singapore, in order to address the growing deep water market in the Asia Pacific region.

    errrr yeah, but aren’t sonsub singapore going to get that new truck someday, or did it just turn out to be a rebuild on one of the cutting edge, ergonomically designed, spatially corespondent, bicycles? (complete with wedgie inducing seats)


    Come on guys…

    If Les & Gramme were there they would have trainees building bicycles and other things across the cause-way in Malaysia…LMAO!


    at AME..?

    Scott Beveridge

    Come on guys…

    If Les & Gramme were there they would have trainees building bicycles and other things across the cause-way in Malaysia…LMAO!

    Don’t forget Ron (Wales) as well at Yu Fat Fuk Ew’s do-it-everything-workshop…



    they have gone one better these days.all that stuff is now done in house by fill in flips. they do a pretty good job by all accounts but their specialty does not lie in bicycles.

    apparently the ops manager recinded the use of this spatially correspondent transportation unit , as the PMS schedule was not complied with. (no one was oiling or adjusting the chain and the seat was left loose, which induced a particularly nasty wedgie for one of the senior techs, this also required a near miss report in triplicate)…….
    anyway you will once again see the sonsub guys trudging up to the canteen , in the hot sun on shanks pony, next time your down at loyang jetty for a mob. Maybe you can take pity on some fellow rov-ers and give them a lift in the mermaid truck

    Scott Beveridge

    Hee, hee!! 😆 😆

    Mermaid truck?????? Redwing bi-peds dude, but maybe us seniors could use a bit of a horizontal cum vertical challenge…


    Hey RW,

    If we were to take pity on these fellow rovers we’d give em a phone number for any of the agencies and the ride to spindletop.

    Shanks pony is surely being duplicated though. Thought I saw one powering the LARS on the new canoe. Maybe a couple more were connected up to the screws down below too?

    Are any of the boys down at Bernies looking leaner for the effort or are they just supplementing it with more San Mig?


    what do you think T.T?
    more cold beers of course, its hot work down on that jetty in the hot tropical sun and hey,… quiet about those pedal powered LARS. they get enough wackie re-design ideas down at Sonsub without us giving them any more.


    Have heard they have an extra LARS now ❓


    he he he….and an extra set of camera covers….

    heard it’s been a bad month for them? i was ear wigging again at
    " bernies bullshitters bar and grill" (it’s amazing the sonsub business that’s conducted there nowadays, don’t they have an office anymore), seems there have been quite a few disasters of late.

    well you pay peanuts you get…….err..inexperienced flippos????
    cheap but good lah???….err nooo

    maybe they could mount the bicycle on the spare LARS , erect it in the front yard as a monument to mismanagement.

    i don’t spose " Me" that you’d care to enlighten us on the other disasters that have supposeed to have occurred there of late??? any safety issues that the rest of us might learn from ????

    it’s not a complete loss anyway as one of the spare camera covers can be used on the bicycle head lamp


    hopefully it was just one of the old vipers that was lost and not 1 of their newer aquisitions???????



    sorry about that, that last post in your name was me,(rigwash) seems you forgot to log off this computer at some stage…?? i’ve now logged you out

    not a viper last i heard, maybe one of the discovery or tritons

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