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  • #16295
    Scott Beveridge


    Haven’t seen 1k on the ROV Rates thread… Or did I forget to clean my glasses?

    SEA has always lagged behind the UK, don’t let anybody fool you dude.

    Andy Shiers

    Best person to ask if it’s genuine is Axeman he has a nose for rooting out the truth 🙂


    Scott, so you obviously don’t know. best to keep quiet then eh?

    i think its a bit off to call Rov Rave bogus. If anyone’s bogus its you, spending all day on this forum with reply’s like; here here, well said, good post , can anyone enlighten us further etc

    you need to get out more dude. get a feel for the world. cause somethings not in this forum or posted on a rates chart don’t mean it is nay true.

    in fact i find the rates chart always seems to reflect lower rates than what is the actual case and most guys i know feel the same

    Andy Shiers

    Here Here 😀

    Ray Shields

    Well said, good post 🙂 🙂


    Donnie Cameron

    Can anyone enlighten us more? 😆

    Ewan McKen



    Show me the money!!!!! :tup:

    Rates in SEA are going off right now as agencies and companies secure people for projects BEFORE the Northern Hemi kicks off.

    If you have not seen a 20% hike in the last 12 months, its time to change companies. If you think ANY company gives a toss, ask them for a pay increase. The real measure of value.

    SEA is serious money with no tax, do the maths.

    Hey Bev, if anyone would know about Sonsub Singapore it would be Trainee2. I heard he started with treks/trovs/225/recons before you did!!!

    and the crappy tether you said had Z kinks was caused by your flying not the manf…as I recall it was us doing reterms each shift and you buggering them on the other shift in the jackets of Unocal in Thailand, where was Jay and Ron then I needed them 😉


    Sonsub Rates

    There was an increase in September 2007 but they are still not as high as others but they have certainly
    improved from what they have been paying over the last few years.

    P/T 3 is now US$500
    Senior P/T is now US$550 to 600
    Sub Eng US$650

    There also is a Bonus now 5% for over 1 years service and also 10%
    for 3 years and over tied min 60days in each 6 month period and
    paid 6 months later.


    but not for you right cause your from the Phillipines?

    correct me if i’m wrong, but your offshore rate would be 50 usd per day.

    Also it may not have dawned on you that if you leave, you would always lose 6 months of your bonus. even if you stayed to a grand old retirement age. They always hold that back and it is actually your money?

    another way to look at it is, as previously stated on this forum by another wit. Its a bend over and take it payment. This is actually the difference in day rate that they should be paying you to equal the other companys like canyon, doff, acergy etc. They hold back part of your day rate and feed it to you as a bonus. Also if you have already qualified and earned this money, why should they hold it back from you at all. and especially to keep 6months of it if you ever leave , and every body must leave evetually

    if not sooner

    i might add that at Canyon they have a phillipino or 2 also. Difference is they are payed the going rate, which is a fair reflection of their skill and application.

    you might like to consider a change if you think you are qualified or capable enough by now. Or do you still think SS are giving the best deal around??????????


    Don’t Canyon pay a bonus as well !!

    What way do you look at that?


    Yeah they do.

    all the san miguel draft you can drink at Bernies Bullshitters Bar after and during each and every mob.


    Been chatting to one of the SS boys, pay is not good anymore, and a few prima donnas in office making it a place to avoid.

    Stewart Reid


    Did I work for Canyon? Yes, up until last week.
    In SEA it doesn’t matter what the divers are getting, so why quote them?

    However, in Oz the MUA/AMOU has taken up the Rov cause and are using the divers pay structure/conditions as a template.

    There’s more gen on another thread regarding the MUA union’s progress.



    Stu , it does matter

    i think the point the seadog is trying to make is called


    the deck foremen, divers,drillers, leadermen, hydro testing crews etc have all had their take home pay increased considerably in the last 2 years in comparison with ROV hands.

    i wonder when the ROV guys will stand up and fight for a decent increase to restore the parity with these othe groups. What are they waiting for? till the galley hands start getting more than the ROV hands?

    seems to me the ROV guys in asia are too easy going for their own good. The guys in Australia and north sea would have dug their heels in long ago

    oh well,…as long as the boss is still buying the beers at Bernies (bullshitters bar is it?) i guess it’s ok?……………not!

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