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Sonsub, Singapore

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  • #16306
    Scott Beveridge

    Show me the money!!!!! :tup:

    Rates in SEA are going off right now as agencies and companies secure people for projects BEFORE the Northern Hemi kicks off.

    If you have not seen a 20% hike in the last 12 months, its time to change companies. If you think ANY company gives a toss, ask them for a pay increase. The real measure of value.

    SEA is serious money with no tax, do the maths.

    Hey Bev, if anyone would know about Sonsub Singapore it would be Trainee2. I heard he started with treks/trovs/225/recons before you did!!!

    and the crappy tether you said had Z kinks was caused by your flying not the manf…as I recall it was us doing reterms each shift and you buggering them on the other shift in the jackets of Unocal in Thailand, where was Jay and Ron then I needed them 😉

    Axe (or M.),

    Don’t know what cloud you’re on now but if you can recall the tethers were checked PRIOR to being put on the system. Too many zeds I guess….


    Now, now……girls 😆 Lets not start bickering in public……. 🙄

    We’ve all been on the shift that seems to spend all it’s time fixing the other shift’s damage…. 🙄

    At the end of the day, get the sub fixed, back in the water and get on with the job……we’re a team working together out there, not two teams working against each other…. 😀


    Scott Beveridge

    Now, now……girls 😆 Lets not start bickering in public……. 🙄

    We’ve all been on the shift that seems to spend all it’s time fixing the other shift’s damage…. 🙄

    At the end of the day, get the sub fixed, back in the water and get on with the job……we’re a team working together out there, not two teams working against each other…. 😀


    Exactly!!! Placing blame is usually the trait of one who may have issues with oneself…

    Andy Shiers

    Shit rolls down hill 😆
    Healthy bickering or depressive state !
    All depends on how long the problem persists , does it not 😯



    Can’t see the point in people bickering in a forum about a job they’ve both been on….I am not interested in it and I dare say a lot of other people are not interested either unless there’s owt to gain from it ….. 😕

    What goes on offshore, stays offshore works for me…….. 😆

    ‘bickering or depressive state’………you must have had the misfortune of working with a miserable crowd….. 😆

    Stay Safe…..and have fun!!


    Scott Beveridge


    Thank you and yep… I’m done with this subject. Especially when the fact is that it happened over 15 years ago…

    James McLauchlan

    Can’t see the point in people bickering in a forum about a job they’ve both been on….I am not interested in it and I dare say a lot of other people are not interested either unless there’s owt to gain from it ….. 😕

    What goes on offshore, stays offshore works for me…….

    Well said!

    Keep the bickering offshore and do not bring it out on here.
    Please consider that when posting.


    yikes….fifteen years…. 😯

    Well I guess whether 15 years or 15 minutes ago, we’re all susceptible to making mistakes and buggering things up occasionally. For anyone who thinks they’re immune here’s a snippet I once heard:

    ‘there’s those who have and those who will’……

    which leads me on to the next useful thought….

    ‘it’s not the size of the f*!*-up but the magnificance of the recovery’….


    Scott Beveridge


    Read my 27 Mar. snippet… There was NO f***up only blame-placing.


    Them Z’s can get the better of the best of us! Touchy… Here here…. Would the manufacturer like to enlighten us…..

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