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Spanish Tax

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    Guy’s i was thinking of buying a property in Spain, if i spend less then 183 day’s in Spain and less than 90 day’s in the UK and the rest offshore would i be able to claim tax free status ? ( i’m a rig pig so no seaman’s tax).


    The 183 day rule is just one element for the FED, it is basically for seafarers only. (You also need to satisfy the requirement of the half day rule, one foreign port per tax year on a vessel and only count the days out of UK territoral waters….oh and travel days out the UK are classed as in UK now – new rule!) What you would need to satisfy is the non residency rule, which I think is 270 days out of the country. But be careful as the the Socialist Republic of Europe state you must pay tax somewhere so if you take up residential status in Spain you pay in to their system. Its worth having a chat with the Inland Revenue direct.


    i was thinking of buying a property in Spain, if i spend less then 183 day’s in Spain and less than 90 day’s in the UK and the rest offshore would i be able to claim tax free status ? ( i’m a rig pig so no seaman’s tax).

    The 185 days rule is not valid in EU and that includes Spain, of course.
    So if you buy a property there and you claim to live there, then you’ll have to pay your tax there.

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