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Standard of written English these days?

Home Forums General General Board Standard of written English these days?

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    James McLauchlan

    My grammar and spelling is not top notch by any means. Like many on here I do make some mistakes, but some of the stuff I see in this Forum (written by people who’s first language is supposed to be English – UK, Australia, USA) is of a really low standard. Lower than mine and that is saying something!

    Too often I see peeps using SMS style written English in Forums which indicates to me that they didn’t learn much at school and therefore can’t use their own language correctly. They have, it seems, spent a hell of a time sending SMS messages though!

    "hi m8 wot tm r we meeting?"

    "me n my m8s will be at urs 2nite"

    i do not undastand wot is dat all abowt?

    Andy Shiers

    So , Wot ar u syin ?
    You canna understand !

    James McLauchlan

    I can see this becoming a laugh….


    My grammar was top not notch too when she was alive ๐Ÿ™„


    You said it would or could get silly

    Spelling who needs it.

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


    I passed O level English Grammar and literature with high marks ,,but the passing years, new technology and senility take its toll on my scribblings.

    I do gasp in horror at some of the writting,spelling and grammatical errors exhibited as English by some native English speakers on many websites.

    It is down to the soundbite , headline world many people have been educated in.

    James McLauchlan

    UK TV ads like… ‘helps my bones grow strongerer‘ don’t help much!

    I’m not a TV fanatic, but I heard that in an ad and it made me cringe right away. How can companies do that when they know kids will see it and assume that the word is used as said on TV? Sell the product by all means but don’t do it by screwing up our language.

    If you know that ad you will note that the wording has recently been changed to stronger. I guess they had complaints from angry mothers!

    Too many kids learning incorrect English off the TV I reckon, later to become teenagers, then head offshore thinking that strongerer is an English word!


    It’s not just adverts, but also actual products โ€“ e.g. Heinz Beanz!


    In the recent coverage of the olympics a commentator on 5 live made reference to one of his American counterparts. He described the great Michael Phelps as the "Winningist American of all time."

    Enough said lol.



    tell me about it; I’ve been listening to student radio in Davis, California over the last fortnight; I’m pretty sure that these people are making up words as they go. Everything is -alistic. There have been some utter howlers………..

    To be fair, the UK has gone to the dogs as well. I think we should blame it on Ali-G, or maybe canada? ๐Ÿ˜†

    Declensions and conjugations anyone?? Sounds like a dirty movie to me!


    I recently watched a (USA) televised sports interview with a college basketball star (in his 3rd year) describe an ankle injury transpiring in the previous evening’s game as, "Yesterday nights I hurts my foots." WTF over… must be an English Major! The really said part is that copying this "quote" and spell checking it in MS Word reveals no errors!!!


    Just spent a full day as a guest of the Spanish immigration authorities.
    Any form of Ingles would have been welcome!


    James McLauchlan


    De nada!

    Andy Shiers

    Accents do not help , either ๐Ÿ˜•

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