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    Got a mail off my employer stating that the above certification would be compulsory as from 1 Jan 2014. Any one else had similar notifications?

    Roy Simson

    Well I have looked at the prices of this course and its around £600 – £750

    As for whats in the course :-

    January 1, 2014 – Security training should begin for the following individuals:

    Everyone except for passengers on board should complete familiarization training, according to STCW Reg V1/6 and Part A of Section A-VI/6.1.
    Seafarers without security duties must complete security awareness training, according to the STCW Reg V1/6 and Part A of Section A VI1/6.4.
    Seafarers with security duties should attend training on Designated Security Duties per STVW Reg VI/6 and Part A of Section A-VI/6.6.

    January 1, 2017 – All seafarers should have an updated certification.

    STCW Course Refreshers

    You must know how to keep you and everyone on board safe. Anyone with the following certifications must attend the 2010 STCW course refresher by January 1, 2017:

    personal survival techniques;
    fire prevention and firefighting (including advanced);
    elementary first aid;
    personal safety and social responsibilities;
    survival techniques; and
    rescue boats.

    Does this mean we no longer do a HUET & EBS and the OLF courses ? oh yes MIST as well . I hope this is just something that just your company is starting up , But the more I read it would seem its a course for full time seafarers and nothing to do with Rov personnel requirements .

    Any feed back would be welcome .




    The way it was explained to me by Falc Nutec was that its for MARINE CREW not project crew like ROV or survey …


    Thats right. STCW courses are usually mandatory for Marine Crew. Sometimes I have seen offers for ROV personnel with some STCW courses, maybe 1 per 1000 😉
    They are also sucking money from marine crew by changing the regulations and making a new useless courses all the time.


    On non oil and gas ROV jobs the ROV guys quite often are signed on as crew.

    If you are signed on as crew you need ENG1 and STCW95.

    I guess if you are asked for ENG1 and STCW 95 then you will need to do this course.

    Maris Subsea

    Hi everyone,

    I’m posting as Maris here but I’m Emma Christie, the HSEQ Coordinator for Maris and the other companies within GRML.

    Hopefully this post goes some way to being an olive branch to head off posts about unreasonable demands from agencies/ companies/ contractors/ employers which is entirely the spirit behind it!

    This type of request will become more and more frequent as the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 comes in to force in the UK from August 2014. It has slowly been implemented across various flag states and now, with the UK ratifying it from August 2014, you will find more and more ship owners request that those contracting their vessels ensure the Convention is applied. Some clients may have been asking for this as far back as 2010.

    At the same time, to support this, Recruitment Agencies are being asked to certify as Private Recruitment and Placement Services (RPS or SRPS), (something which Maris is about to do, hence why the OP caught my eye).

    I had a scout about and couldn’t find any mention of MLC 2006 anywhere so I don’t know if anyone has had a full explanation from their employer or agency for their reasons – sorry if I am repeating previous information, and apologies if this turns into a huge post! (Maybe Admin can take the info and make it sticky somewhere?) I am also by no means an expert but I have posted links to sources of information where you can research the implications.

    MLC 2006 is being widely described as the Seafarers Bill of Rights and consolidates the huge number of different Flag State and Country standards and conventions. It aims to achieve decent working and living conditions for all Seafarers onboard vessels where the MLC has been ratified. You can read more here http://www.ilo.org/global/standards/maritime-labour-convention/what-it-does/WCMS_219665/lang–en/index.htm

    In simple terms the Convention classes a Seafarer as ‘any person who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity on board a ship to which this Convention applies’.

    A ship would be defined as ‘a ship, other than one which navigates exclusively in inland waters or waters within, or closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port regulations apply’

    So you should be able to see why things are changing so drastically – previously vessels would sign on non-maritime crew as specialists etc. loop-holing around all of the various Flag State regulations and allowing them to carry certification which wasn’t necessarily maritime based.

    When it comes to Medicals and Training there are 2 very important bits of information:

    1. Seafarers shall not be permitted to work on a ship unless they have successfully completed training for personal safety on board ship. This is the kicker as, when you look into the wider regulations and guidelines, you find the following ‘Training and certification in accordance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW), as amended, is to be accepted as meeting those requirements.’ Put simply – not OPITO.

    2. Medicals – Prior to beginning work on a ship, seafarers must hold a valid medical certificate attesting that they are medically fit to perform the duties they are to carry out at sea. OGUK or similar Oil & Gas industry medicals are not applicable: ‘Certificates issued in accordance with, or meeting the substance of the applicable requirements, under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW), as amended, are to be accepted as meeting these requirements.’ Even the good old MCA provide this guidance on their website http://www.dft.gov.uk/mca/mcga07-home/workingatsea/mcga-healthandsafety/mcga-medicalcertandadvice/mcga-ukog-medicals.htm

    In the main this Convention should improve conditions for everyone on board the vessels where you work (as long as it’s MLC 2006 certified). Agencies and companies should be making you aware if the vessel you are going to board is not MLC 2006 certified so you can make informed decisions.

    You’ll be asked to start carrying documentation onboard (if you don’t already) and may be given declarations to take with you stating that you are carrying everything from your CV to a Seaman’s Book.

    Yes, there will be initial costs – and not just to the workers – huge amounts of money and time resource are being pumped into this worldwide by everyone it affects.

    Like I said, I’m not an expert, I’ve just spent a great deal of time implementing this for Maris, so it would be a good idea to discuss this with your employers/agencies etc.

    Stay Safe

    Ray Shields

    My understanding was that we are not classed as Seafarers but as a supernumerary as we have nothing to to with the running of the ship.

    Maris Subsea

    My understanding was that we are not classed as Seafarers but as a supernumerary as we have nothing to to with the running of the ship.

    Sorry Ray – I’ve read and reread everything and cannot find where this WON’T apply. I think the MLC 2006 essentially does away with that option as ROV crews will be working onboard the ship, so under the MLC definition ‘in any capacity’ they will be Seafarers.

    We have been contacted by Clients who are actually requesting we become a certified SRPS to supply to them so it would appear that the general Client/Ship Owner view is that everyone right down to the Ship’s Cat is included.

    Unless you’re being dragged along in a dinghy in the wake maybe…


    If we still do Huet Boiset and STCW there will be duplication of some of the traing specificly BOISET and STCW are virtually identical according to the course specifications ,,, ENG1 is for Ship operations personel and not relevant to any aspect of project crew according to the MCA .

    It is likely consolidation of couse requiremnents and medicals vis a vis STCW,BOISET , will probably be slugged out by the authorities and OGUK,OPITO, OLF etc etc etc otherwise costs and bureaucracy will get to high .

    Ray Shields

    Just seems like yet another certificate you must have, more courses needed, such a duplication of stuff!!

    Maris Subsea

    Unfortunately yes Ray – so much is left up to interpretation and may change between Clients/Vessels (so you can understand the headache for everyone involved!)

    It seems like (way back) MCA, OPITO and the Merchant Navy Training Board (MNTB – essentially STCW) sat down and tried to bring some of the OPITO and STCW quals together but they couldn’t find enough common ground.

    In the course of my research I found this document http://uk.opito.com/uk/library/documentlibrary/mcamntbopito2.pdf which dates back to 2000/2002 – hopefully it opens up as a pdf.

    Maybe the introduction of MLC will galvanise them into reviewing the situation again..?


    Follow the money trail ,,,,,as usual thats the important issue for the vested interests .

    James McLauchlan


    Thanks for adding so much detailed information. Clearly you have been digging deep into this! Currently on the boats working the UK oil & gas sector there seems to be little, if any, indication that this is about to be applied across the board in the oil & gas sector. With regard to this, over time I have picked up on a difference of requirements between the renewable energy / oil & gas sectors.

    Unless I have missed the point somewhere it seems people are being sucked into eventually coughing up for two different survival courses and two different medical types to essentially perform work in the same environment. You can see why people might baulk at the cost of this!

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