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SUBMEC, Base in Perth Australia, Has anyone worked for

Home Forums General General Board SUBMEC, Base in Perth Australia, Has anyone worked for

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    I have heard that Submec will soon be history seem’s like they bought 2 brand new XLX’s and a vessel and then the A$ went south against the US$ and it cost them double and then they lost the contract they were going to use it on so if you work for Submec make sure you get this month’s pay and start getting your CV up to date.
    From what I hear on the grapevine they weren’t a very good company to work for anyway, the offshore personnel not very professional to work with and lot’s of backstabbing.


    Hmm.. No point in Submec personnel getting their CV’s ready as none of them are related to people in other ROV companies, so they’re stuffed. Maybe most of them will wish they hadn’t back stabbed they’re way up the ROV tree. As the saying goes, "What goes around , comes around"

    James McLauchlan

    Can we please cut out this crap about backstabbing etc. There is no bloody point in it!

    Talk about the company, talk about the facts but leave out the abuse. It will only create a war of words on here, which is not what is needed. By all means use offshore ethics when you are offshore but keep that attitude off if this public forum.

    Plus, I know for a fact that some people are/were happy with Submec and I also now for a fact that some Submec people have connections with other ROV co’s so what has been written above is unsupported and appears to be nothing other than an approach to try and stir things up on here.

    best regards
    James Mc


    Well said James.Just about every thread posted lately has been pounced upon by people intent in causing a negative reaction.Pretty soon agencies and companies will avoid posting.Keep it up bud.


    I think the previous poster overstepped the mark on the personal comments, HOWEVER…I too have concerns about the financial stability of Submec.

    I don’t work for them, but I have heard that:

    1. Submec ordered 2 Brand new XLX’s from Perry, which were delivered to Singapore, but Submec could not make the final payments on them, and now Perry is trying to on sell them out of Singapore.

    2. They could not make their commitments to a major Contract they had won, so lost the Contract to another ROV Company in Singapore – Not sure who won it, but I believe it was the Jascon Field or something?

    3. The Harmony was initially charted for 3 years, that is about to run out this year in July, and one would would imagine the agreement with Submec was to be renewed at the same time

    "4th July 2006

    TSMarine has entered into an agreement with Havila to charter the Havila Harmony DP2 Multi Purpose Support Vessel.

    The charter is for a period of 3 years with 2 x 1 year options."

    I am not sure how busy TS Marine is this year, but do they still need the extra personnel from Submec, or do they have enough of their own?


    I don’t work for them, but I have heard that:

    Sorry bud but passing hearsay in print can cause legal problems.The internet is subject to law as is newspapers etc.

    I have no knowledge of this company or have I ever worked for them but unless I had proof and written confirmation of the hearsay there is no way I would commit to print.

    I say this having had to take legal action in the past and it cost the perpetrators a substantial amount.

    im all for free speach and do not wish to stop anyone speaking their mind but please be careful because you can be asked to reveal the source of your info and if not willing it’s you who carries the can.

    Be careful guys

    Ray Shields

    Sorry bud but passing hearsay in print can cause legal problems.The internet is subject to law as is newspapers etc.

    You must never have read Private Eye or watched Have I Got News For You on BBC.

    The way round it is to say "allegedly". e.g. "allegedly James is gay" is perfectly legal. You are not saying he is.

    I think it might allegedly be news to Gina tho 🙂

    James McLauchlan

    It would be news to me too… allegedly 😉

    I think the point has been made concerning the type of content that should or shouldn’t be posted.

    Please tow the line people or I may end up being contacted directly by the companies involved and have to respond accordingly. Whilst, for the last 10 years, we have protected all sources of information we do not protect those that may be subject to legal action as a result of them posting what might be construed as libellous.

    best regards
    James Mc
    Your local website plod!

    James McLauchlan

    Sorry bud but passing hearsay in print can cause legal problems.The internet is subject to law as is newspapers etc.

    I agree…. I feel it could also.

    I’m no lawyer and I wouldn’t want to bet that it wouldn’t ever cause a problem.

    best regards
    James Mc


    Ok James, point taken on mentioning the B word.
    Interesting stuff there Northseahero, it’s interesting this topic started out as how Submec were possibly the highest payers in 2007 and now, well!!
    Talking to guys over a few beers in Bambooze, they reckon TSMarine don’t have any ROV dudes on their payrole, they use Submec personell totally to operate their ROV’s a bit strange so maybe this might be Submec’s future main source of income, from an agency kind of role so long as TSMarine still keep getting contracts but with some of the other companies bringing boats and ROV’s into the region they could be struggling as well and I heard they are at the end of the Woodside deal too, Woodside tend to have a policy of sharing things around too just because you have a contract with them, when it ends it doesn’t automatically mean you will be at the top of the list for the next contract.
    Interesting to see in this present climate the shelf life of some of the companies that just started when it was all booming, shape of things to come!!!!!!!!

    James McLauchlan

    In the past TSM didn’t have any ROV types on salary in Oz and used only Submec sourced people for the Oz side of things. At times, when we were working in Singapore/Indonesia, numbers also included UK sourced TSM employees and UK sourced Agency people.

    A company having people from another company operate it’s ROV’s is not strange. I have often been on jobs where systems are manned soley by agency personnel, so nothing new there. It often makes financial sense for companies to take that approach so it is no surprise, to me at least, that TSM may have this arrangement still in place with Submec.

    best regards
    James Mc


    northseahero, that company in Singers would be Fookgro, allegedly….

    James McLauchlan

    ……………. Fookgro……..

    Which, to the uninitiated, should read: Fugro


    For the record others and myself, allegedly still work through SUBMEC for TSM. To this point we have had no problems with money going in the bank when it is supposed to.

    Bill Bulloch

    I’ll second that Angry. I’ve worked for Submec over the past year or so and they have always been upfront, honest and pay on time.
    A good little company just overstretched themselves a bit during what was considered boom times and became unstuck a little when exchange rates changed drastically etc.
    They’re still going okay though and I’m sure will come back to a strong position again. Good luck to them.

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