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  • #1865

    Hidy ho friends and neighbors –

    Last time I signed on to this web site and asked about a boat with an ROV trencher I got all kinds of mean people riled up and then I had to get riled up myself, which I don’t like to do.

    I am not going on the Relume anymore because I got a better offer leaving out of Bergen, Norway to work on a cable ship with a plow instead of an ROV. Some folks I’ve talked to say that the plow takes a lot more skill than the ROV but I doubt it. From the pictures I’ve seen these things are even easier than ROV’s and the ROV is already simple as pecan pie for me.

    So has any of you out there ever worked with a plow before or is this web site just about the ROV stuff? Am I right about how easy the plows are? I think I’ll get to show the plow boys a thing or 2 this time instead of the ROV trencher boys, but I’m sure one thing will lead to another for a guy like me. Got to go with the better money so that’s what I am doing this time – damn skippy.

    If anyone has ever been to Bergen is there a good bar near the port where I can get a gut full of Jack Daniels on a Sunday?

    Good luck out there on the Relume, maybe next time…..

    😉 😉 😈 😈



    You really are a muppet aren’t you 😆 😆

    The plough jockies are waiting for you……. 😆 😆



    What is a muppet? Other than the puppets on TV I am not sure what you mean. I guess it is a good thing, so thanks for the complement.


    If you realy are genuine my friend then it sounds like you are going on a CTC job and if you are you will get on famously with the Teeside boys for the brief time you will spend with them!
    You will no doubt be found to be quite amusing and not the least bit annoying, oh for about that day you will last.
    I personally hope you are a wind up because you have got their personality down pat and in print! Spot on pal spot on!!


    😆 😆 😆

    SJ………..you’ve been rumbled……….there’s only one JD drinkin guy working at DFH who always succeeds in getting a bite………….you wind-up merchant!!!

    Think yer dreamin’ about the rates……..hope you’ve a pocket full of wonga for the drink in Bergen!

    ………….enjoy the North Sea……….

    😆 😆 😆


    Hidy ho –

    Surprise surprise you got it wrong, my initials ain’t SJ, they are CD for CRAW DADDY.

    Bergen is excellent by the way, but $12.75 US for a JD and coke aint for the faint hearted rookie boozers. Lucky for me I am on the big money with this here plow work.

    This has all been fun and I’d like to keep chatting but it’s time to go out and git er done again and git er done like only the Craw Daddy can do.

    I’ll catch ya all later on down the road a piece-



    I hear you managed to wrap the cable around the plough…..sounds like a very professional outfit…. 😆 😆 😆

    If you need a few pointers we have a trainee handbook you can have 😆 😆

    😛 😆 😯 👿 😈 🙄 8) 😆

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