Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Subsea UK: Intro to Subsea Training Programme

Subsea UK: Intro to Subsea Training Programme

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Subsea UK: Intro to Subsea Training Programme

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  • #1655

    Hi guys,

    Anyone looked at this programme? It’s run on-line by Robert Gordon Uni on behalf of Subsea UK. Just wondering if it’s worth doing for background information for a novice to offshore and subsea who hits the job market next spring. It seems a bit steep asking £200 for 8 weeks access to the info but if it saves hours spent trawling through different web sites it might be worth it. Are there other ways to access this sort of information cheaper?



    £200 sounds a bit steep for information on the subsea industry compared to spending some time on the net doing your own research, but if you can afford it and are serious about following a career path in the subsea industry whether its ROV,/survey/engineering and all the other trades, go for it, may give you a better idea of whats involved before you make your choice. That or if you know someone in the game, annoy the shit out of them by grilling them for info.
    You may also have to consider the double shifts at Burger King or doing 2 paper rounds to cover the course costs, is it worth it. Yada Yada.
    In short, I’m not sure. 😕
    I take it your not either or you wouldn’t have posted this.

    Got to go, some Jaba has just asked for his meal to be super sized!!!!!


    Try to get on a SUT (Society for Underwater Technology) Subsea Awareness Course. It is a fair bit of dosh, but if you dont have a subsea background it is very informative and you get to keep a whole heap of useful paperwork at the end. Usually paid for by companies so the cost doesnt matter, but if paying yourself could be too steep. Its also aimed more for engineers / designers rather Ops engineers.


    Thanks for that, This years courses in Aberdeen are fully booked but they do a one day course called Introduction to Subsea Facilities, anyone looked at that? The other option is to go to KL for a week for the longer course, lost of money as you say, maybe too much. Is it really worth £2350, would it be an advantage to me and would an employer value it on a CV??


    James McLauchlan

    I’m not too sure what value you would get from a course being run in KL.

    Safer territory might be UK or US based courses.


    Gotcha, think I will just trawl the web for the information I might need.



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