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supervising with low experiance

Home Forums General General Board supervising with low experiance

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  • #33343
    John Bridgett

    Hurt Feelings report at the ready!

    You need to be able to spot the bait and the hook within it…

    Well no, in fact yours was quite funny I suppose, must have taken you ages to make so many spooling mistocks.


    I have a spelling checker.
    It came with my pea sea.
    It plane lee marks four my revue
    Miss steaks aye can knot sea.

    Eye ran this poem threw it,
    Your sure reel glad two no.
    Its vary polished in it’s weigh.
    My checker tolled me sew.

    A checker is a bless sing,
    It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
    It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
    And aides me when I rime.

    Each frays come posed up on my screen
    eye trussed too bee a joule.
    The checker pours o’er every word
    To cheque sum spelling rule.
    Bee fore a veiling checker’s Hour
    spelling mite decline,
    And if we’re lacks oar have a laps,
    We wood bee maid too wine.

    Butt now bee cause my spelling
    Is checked with such grate flair,
    Their are no fault’s with in my cite,
    Of nun eye am a ware.

    Now spelling does knot phase me,
    It does knot bring a tier.
    My pay purrs awl due glad den
    With wrapped word’s fare as hear.
    To rite with care is quite a feet
    Of witch won should be proud,
    And wee mussed dew the best wee can,
    Sew flaw’s are knot aloud.
    Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays,
    Such soft wear four pea seas,
    And why eye brake in two averse
    Buy righting too pleas.


    James McLauchlan

    Try to get more experience first. After a year in this industry you don’t know a 10th of what you think you know.
    There is a lot more to learn and time is what you need.
    You need experience of a few rovs even if they are the same type but better to have worked on at least 3-4 different types.
    You will need experience of lots of ships, rigs and platforms structures etc.
    Dealing with people both above and below you.

    If however you feel that i don’t know what i’m are talking about after more than 20 years offshore with rovs then by all means send out your CV to all the agencies and try your luck, who knows you may get what you wished for.

    If the shit hits the fan everybody will be looking at you.
    If you get it right you may get another job.

    Either way good luck.


    Interesting, the first constructive post, why does veryone have to mock someone for asking what is to them a serious question? I do accept and agree with most points raised though and I am of course an ROV newbie.


    why does veryone have to mock someone for asking what is to them a serious question?

    Because most on here see the OP as a wind up. Hence the plethora of flippant responses. I note that the OP hasn’t been back to counter any of this. That must speak volumes as to how genuine the question might have been.

    John Bridgett

    Try to get more experience first. After a year in this industry you don’t know a 10th of what you think you know.
    There is a lot more to learn and time is what you need.
    You need experience of a few rovs even if they are the same type but better to have worked on at least 3-4 different types.
    You will need experience of lots of ships, rigs and platforms structures etc.
    Dealing with people both above and below you.

    If however you feel that i don’t know what i’m are talking about after more than 20 years offshore with rovs then by all means send out your CV to all the agencies and try your luck, who knows you may get what you wished for.

    If the shit hits the fan everybody will be looking at you.
    If you get it right you may get another job.

    Either way good luck.


    Interesting, the first constructive post, why does veryone have to mock someone for asking what is to them a serious question? I do accept and agree with most points raised though and I am of course an ROV newbie.


    why does veryone have to mock someone for asking what is to them a serious question?

    Because most on here see the OP as a wind up. Hence the plethora of flippant responses. I note that the OP hasn’t been back to counter any of this. That must speak volumes as to how genuine the question might have been.

    OK Fair comment, I’m new to the environment too so please be patient.

    I’ll try not to ask too many dumb questions as I progress.

    Regards – J

    Candy Woskowski

    Hey Cloudy – I’m getting the feeling that people wouldn’t want you to come in and offer Supervisory services (no matter how limited your experience) at a low rate – it would set the rates for Supervisors down and that would upset a lot of folks!

    Paul Bond

    Obviously your experience is on par with your initiative – if you were that capable you would have found out the info you require from the agencies themselves.
    As for offering to go out on a lower rate – you are either worth the going rate or you are not, no need to drag everyone down to satisfy your feeble grip of reality!
    Merry Xmas! 😈

    Ray Shields

    I think people need to look up the meaning of the phrase "tongue in cheek" 😀

    Andy Shiers

    How about , …………. Loose lips sink ships !
    or even , ………..learn to crawl before you can walk then you can run 🙂
    Okay , …….. another chestnut , …………………….
    Pay peanuts ………………… Get monkies 😀

    Mike McEwan

    Funnily enough I had a " Cloudy " out with me earlier this year. A junior tech, been in the job less than a year and had maybe done 3 or 4 trips. But the attitude was very similar. The guy could tell you how what you were doing was wrong but couldn’t actually do anything himself!!
    If it is the same guy and I hope it isn’t. He has a lot to learn.



    Was there anyone who is willing to acknowledge that this person was able to spot what was going at that time was inappropriate. Then accept it. Thanks him for cautioning you before any incident happens, than to feel insulted that a person with less experience in field of ROVs has given some suggestion. Cannot we value his experience in other fields also.


    Mike McEwan

    Sorry I am not really understanding what you are trying to say here.

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