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    Technip with BP frame agreement for subsea construction diving services
    Monday, Apr 21, 2008
    Technip has been awarded by BP a frame agreement to provide all diving construction services for extensions to existing hydrocarbon field development projects in the North Sea. Under the terms of this contract, Technip will be the exclusive provider of these services for the next two years, with two additional 12 month options available to BP.

    This is the first time that BP has adopted such an approach for its subsea construction CAPEX. Its aim is to further enhance performance in key strategic areas including HSE, supplier feedback, cost, efficiency and schedule management.

    This award firmly establishes Technip as BP’s diving contractor of choice for subsea work. Technip already handles the operator’s subsea repair and maintenance works for BP E&P Europe North Sea Operations, and has also undertaken some of the operator’s major projects including the Rhum and Magnus Conductor developments, in 2004 and 2006 respectively.

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