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Thanks James for all your work.

Home Forums General General Board Thanks James for all your work.

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    Hello James,
    As you dont have a donation box, the only way I can show my appreciation for all your efforts is to say thank you. I found a well paid job with a good company ( Neptune ), by reading through your forums. The work you do changes lives for the better. It certianly did mine. So when you get tired of the children that hijack your site, take heart in the fact a lot of people appreciate what you do.
    Cheers Mate.

    Wade Berglund

    Hello ROVSKI

    Very nice post. It is great to see someone succeeding in the industry and giving kudo’s to James.

    I wish you all the best in 2009.



    well done Rovski.. and your correct.. thanks James also. good work! 8)


    Which Neptune did you join ROVSKI and what are you doing/where etc?



    He He I have done the same
    😀 seeya for a beer

    James McLauchlan

    Thanks people,

    Not only me but Gina Mc and Ronald (RON’s ROV links) plus Ray, are all behind the system doing one thing or another. I’m the one that gets to wield the big stick (at the kiddies) from time to time.

    I’m glad that people are finding work through the site and it’s good to get some feedback to that effect.

    On the subject of donations/sponsorship. We used to do that via PayPal but removed the option some time ago as the site now supports itself through banner advertising sponsors. We still have some (dwindling) funds left in the old Paypal account. These are used for website related expenses and nothing else.

    best regards
    James Mc


    Hello TypicalROVWhiner, I am working for Neptune Marine. They had an Ad 5th Jan. Cut and pasted below.

    My name is Tony I am the new Ops Manager at Neptune Marine. Details from post on the 5th

    We require crews for Various projects in Asia.

    1000USD Supv
    900USD SPT

    We are paying good rates and want good guys. Only good techs that can fly. Please forward Cv’s to tpenstone@neptunems.com an please put ROVWORLD in the subject bar.

    Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year.


    Once again James thank you. I am not a newbie, been in the game 14 years. Information is power, you gave me the information and now my wife has the power to shop. 😯


    Hi James,
    if you are even in Oz , I will get y a beer as well, great web site for us guys, off-shore, have been it for 10 + years,
    & now working for Neptune, Perth, 😀 😉
    , the new opp m, need to keep he’s guys up to date with what going on, ……..


    (Information is power, you gave me the information ),
    yer if you emailed your crew’s off-shore ,
    they would have power & information 😛 🙄 ❓


    yer if you emailed your crew’s off-shore ,
    they would have power & information

    rovski sounds like you have to be passing more time comunicating a little more with yer crews and less with rovworldcom

    James McLauchlan

    yer if you emailed your crew’s off-shore ,
    they would have power & information

    rovski sounds like you have to be passing more time comunicating a little more with yer crews and less with rovworldcom

    Which is something that has nothing to do with this topic and also should not be discussed in an open forum. If there is a problem like this please sort it out internally by email, phone calls etc.
    Actually I am surprised it was brought out into the open in the first instance as there is no mileage to be gained in doing so.

    James McLauchlan

    Hi James,
    if you are even in Oz , I will get y a beer as well, great web site for us guys, off-shore, have been it for 10 + years,


    Cheers Ted :tup:


    Seems by cutting and pasting Tony’s ad I have created some misunderstanding. Just trying to give some news of oppurtunity when things are going a little slow in the industry. Can’t understand the logic in people slagging off the hand that feeds them when theres plenty waiting in the wings to take our place.



    I am the GM of the vessel and rov division and I have an idea who you are and welcome to NMS.

    The other guy i am also aware of who he is and am personally dissapointed that he would post comments like that when we are trying to build a new company based on a new positivity not the usual crap that ROV guys throw out there. In this rapidly depressing market people like that whilst they may or may not be personal friends of mine will not last, there are already (even in Jan) too many guys with no work. The Ops Mgr in NMS whilst new in the company is not new to the industry and i take personal affront to public slagging. In short…… not in my company, sorry but if it continues take a hike.




    All i can do is reiterate Joel’s sentiment. If any one has an issue with me, please feel free to come and see me. My door is always open. Rather than hiding behind a nickname here.

    With the current climate of the ROV industry I don’t think it is very bright to have done this here. We all know this is a small industry and everyone knows everyone. I will not tolerate this within my crew.

    Tony Penstone

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