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Thanks James for all your work.

Home Forums General General Board Thanks James for all your work.

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  • #21789
    James McLauchlan

    If there is a problem like this please sort it out internally by email, phone calls etc.
    Actually I am surprised it was brought out into the open in the first instance as there is no mileage to be gained in doing so.

    My point exactly in my earlier post. Not too clever and no mileage to be gained. I can see a crew review coming up 😉

    best regards
    James Mc


    ted 4 fun,

    big baits big fish…eh?

    seems you hit a raw nerve? kind of surprising for mr ozrov, always thought he could take it as well he could dish it out…..and oh ho ho ho, seems he does like to have his fun on here from time to time, and dish a bit out…snigger snigger

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