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The Undewater Centre showing up on eBay!

Home Forums General General Board The Undewater Centre showing up on eBay!

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    James McLauchlan

    Occasionally I look on eBay to see if any ROV parts are showing. Sometimes (rare) ROV type things do appear when I perform a search using ‘ROV’ as a Keyword.

    Imagine my surprise today when a sponsored ad showed up (under the very few results) in eBay.co.uk as below:

    Become an ROV Pilot
    ROV Pilot & Electronics courses Training from the experts


    There was a link in eBay to explain why the ad was there so I used it.
    A pop up window opened in my browser (FireFox):


    Sponsored Links
    Sponsored Links are provided by Yahoo! Search Marketing,
    which generates sponsored search results by allowing advertisers
    to bid for placement order based on specific search keywords.
    Matches are based upon relevance to the specific search terms used in your query.


    So, if you fancy a career in ROV’s it seems that eBay may be able to help you in your quest for: ‘Training from the experts’

    In all seriousness I am buggered how a school can expect industry credibility if they allow ads to appear on eBay!

    Andy Shiers

    Well , they do say that we are a mixed bunch industry 😆
    We should get a very good amount of trainees coming into the job from all walks of life !
    Either that or the School is Verrrrrrrrrry desperate 😆


    you can find the same scottish school on Amazon.co.uk as well!!!


    A very overated commercial organisation that want to maximise profits for its dubious courses…any decent tech can get into this industry without wasting thousands of pounds on a course if he has the brains and is willing to put in the hard work.


    Can’t knock the school for trying though. Many of the guys who are coming into the industry probably also use Ebay and also just about every google search will show ebay up for something or other.

    Glad I do not need to spend the money on that kind of course now ( in my opinon anyway, before the remarks start). 8) 😕 😀


    Hi! The Underwater Centre here.

    This is all a bit strange… we haven’t any sponsored link arrangements in place with Yahoo, Amazon or Ebay. We do run a sponsored link via Google which means that when you enter ROV as a search term in Google, our sponsored link appears. As far as we’re aware, this shouldn’t appear as a sponsored link on anything other than Google though. I’ve emailed Ebay asking how and why we are appearing as a sponsored link, they haven’t come back to me yet. Maybe they just want the kudos of being associated with us! 😆

    James McLauchlan

    Sponsored Links are provided by Yahoo! Search Marketing,

    It seems that there must be a Yahoo/Google connection based on what you have just written and the info in my first post.

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