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trainning manuals

Home Forums General General Board trainning manuals

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  • #1281

    Dose anyone know where i can get a hold of a trainning manual that they issue on the trainning courses ❗

    Scott Beveridge

    Perhaps one of the guys who sat the course can sell one to you if this is a legal move… If not, try Amazon


    Perhaps one of the guys who sat the course can sell one to you if this is a legal move… If not, try Amazon

    im sure that’s not possible scot… 😮

    unless we can make a deal to make it a secret and maybe 500k quid? 😈

    kiddin aside, dont they have like ROV Books available in Amazon? Ive seen few book recommendations in some threads here. might help! Ive tried to look for one in our local bookstore but it seems like it’s not available here.

    Scott Beveridge

    Yes, try Amazon (as in my last post…) 🙄


    Yes, try Amazon (as in my last post…) 🙄

    oops my bad, i thought you were talking about the ROV Manuals from Training Centers 🙁


    Cheers for the response guys… I was talking about trainning manuals from trainning courses.

    But on saying that what do u think would be best = a published book or a manual?



    Budgie Wrote:
    Cheers for the response guys… I was talking about trainning manuals from trainning courses.

    But on saying that what do u think would be best = a published book or a manual?


    Dude for some courses they just use the book. No joke.
    Just depends on the structure of the course though. But I know that the course in Fremantle, Australia, do use the book as a reference guide.

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