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Video dive loggin

Home Forums General General Board Video dive loggin

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    [url]http://www.savante.co.uk/Video Datalogging/Datalogging_software_licensed.exe

    Been playing with video dive logging idea. Just click buttons and the log is created for you as a text file.

    Run it in 1280×1024 display mode.



    When I try to install/run the exe I get the following message:

    Sorry, this software cannot be run without a license key.
    Please, contact videocrypt@savante.co.uk



    Darn – do you not get a machine code number – should be about 16 characters long?

    Your PC should fire up a sig-code automatically -should look like this..


    email or PM me your 16 digit code and I’ll send you a key-file. Put it in the same directory as the .exe file and the program will run.

    The output of the datafile looks like this (ignore stuff to the right – was watching tv)….

    When I get around to it, I’ll get it to compute dive time in minutes rather than seconds but it calculates total dive time automatically.

    You should be able to copy n paste from the text file straight into your dive log if you have word or excel.

    CTRL-A, CTRL-C – highlights all text in the file, copies it to clip board, then open your dive log, press CTRL-V.

    All should copy over.

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