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Video equipment advise needed.

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    We are currently looking to replace a control cabin and I would like to take the opertunity to get some decent monitors and recording equipment but I’m having trouble trawling through endless pages from google with crap that wouldn’t last 5 mins in an offshore container getting lifted and shifted.

    So i would be grateful for anybody’s experience or thoughts on whats best, i would like to see the back of jvc svhs video recorders and believe hdd would be good for blackbox but not sure whats best for giving to clients.

    Whats everyone using these days dvd, hdd or something else?

    It would be nice if we was to go the hdd route for a ethernet out so footage could be copied to a pc directly for editing or screen grabs.

    Also lcd monitors are another area i’m struggling with, I did find one manufacturer called nemacom and there stuff looks fairly robust.

    like i said all input on your experiences would be great.



    Click on the link on the top right hand side of your screen (Net MC) they have good stuff


    I dont like DVDs, allways fu.kup with them ( or the people there use them) like HDD

    Scott Beveridge

    Guys… guys there’s alot better stuff now than SVHS…. the techies in many, many major name brands have come up with some stuff that the village idiot can drive AND at a good cost.

    PULEEEEZE be careful with what flat screen technology you purchase (re: don’t let the friggin’ bean counters dictate the cost). There’s some really good CHEAP techie stuff off the shelf that won’t OVER-PHASE (!) and farqup one’s chorneae. There’s others, "really attractive to the bean counters" that can / will screw ones eyes up (re: whom will pay for that …. re: read your health shite of the contract VERY VERY carefully)


    Guys… guys there’s alot better stuff now than SVHS…. the techies in many, many major name brands have come up with some stuff that the village idiot can drive AND at a good cost.

    PULEEEEZE be careful with what flat screen technology you purchase (re: don’t let the friggin’ bean counters dictate the cost). There’s some really good CHEAP techie stuff off the shelf that won’t OVER-PHASE (!) and farqup one’s chorneae. There’s others, "really attractive to the bean counters" that can / will screw ones eyes up (re: whom will pay for that …. re: read your health shite of the contract VERY VERY carefully)

    I hear ya,

    What I need is some brands or models coz i have been in front of a shit lcd before and it does screw you up so if you could recommend good gear that would be great.


    Guys, look at the NETmc Marine wbsite, or wait for their advert to come at the top of the page and click on it, for various DVRs. Their kit is used on loads of vessels in the North Sea, Far East, USA and Australia.

    They have various models, all HDD, but the 2 main stays are the DVR Inspector and the 73fity, you can download the data sheets from the ROVWORLD download section on "Digital Video"

    Both units have Black Box options, the DVR Inspector is natively Networkable and the 73fifty is a USB download device, however they have a clever new thing called the Harvester which helps get the video on to a NAS or something.

    Re LCD monitors look at TV One stuff, it is rugged and very nice, they have a dual 10" setup for 19" rack mounting.

    If you want more details contact me at Feedback@ruco.co.uk


    Thanks for them links, i like the look of the tv one stuff, and the dvr’s from netmc’s look pretty good too.

    Anymore experiences from the guys at the shitty end of the stick and not the bean counters end.


    Jason Garic

    The Marshall rackmount LCD’s are nice. Perry loads them out. Just about every input you can imagine. Pricey.

    Ray Shields

    The JVC DVD recorders that we have been using (they have HDD, tape and DVD) have been crap, they cant cope with offshore power or fluctuations. Ended up sending 4 or 5 back for repair


    The JVC DVD recorders that we have been using (they have HDD, tape and DVD) have been crap, they cant cope with offshore power or fluctuations. Ended up sending 4 or 5 back for repair

    I never knew about the power side of things because we bought 1 and in my opinion it was not very user friendly so it sits in the base gathering dust.

    I think we will give the net mc gear a trial to see how they work.

    Scott Beveridge

    I know I’ll get a few replies on this one… But, believe it or not there are a few good "home entertainment" brands that are used in the industry that do the job. Check out the upper price ranges of Sony and Panansonic.



    If you’re going for the NetMC stuff, get the DVR inspector rather than the 73fifty.

    Trying to download video through a USB port takes a hell of a long time.

    We also found that there was problems with it loosing a second of video every time it writes a file. Doesn’t sound like much, but when it’s writing every 5 minutes, it quickly mounts up.

    Perhaps raymond can shed a little light on the problem.


    I know I’ll get a few replies on this one… But, believe it or not there are a few good "home entertainment" brands that are used in the industry that do the job. Check out the upper price ranges of Sony and Panansonic.

    Yeah I have used Panasonic hdd.dvd recorders before, I found them to be fairly simple to use unlike the jvc unit.

    One nice feature was that if you had two, the remotes could be set to only operate one 1 unit and not both at the same time.

    Don’t know how the newer models perform though.



    If you’re going for the NetMC stuff, get the DVR inspector rather than the 73fifty.

    Trying to download video through a USB port takes a hell of a long time.

    We also found that there was problems with it loosing a second of video every time it writes a file. Doesn’t sound like much, but when it’s writing every 5 minutes, it quickly mounts up.

    Perhaps raymond can shed a little light on the problem.

    Mmmm seems strange that one with losing 1 second every 5 mins. You could bet that the second it loses there would be something important that you needed to see.

    Does the dvri do the same or is it just the 73fifty??


    rovnumpty, you are a little behind the times on the missing video, if you call the boat you will find that this has been solved, and running well.

    The problem was not with the 73fifty recorder but with the uploader,software to transfer the video files to the NAS box, this is now solved and a new version available on the NETmc Marine website for download.

    I believe the ROV guys on the vessel are happy with the system as it is now.

    Re the time it takes to upload the video, i believe the vessel you are speaking about uploads the video once every 24 hours, that is a lot of video to do at once in anyones book. However the same vessel now has the new NETmc Marine Harvester software, this is running on the PC they use to upload the video from the 73fifty, it runs automatic uploads of the video files every hour so it happens in the background and means that inspection or survey personnel can see the video within an hour of it being recorded. Of course the ROV guys can replay the video from the 73fifty straight after the video has been recorded.

    Re which system suits your requirement sheep_fragger is probably best discussed with NETmc Marine so give them a call.

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