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Video equipment advise needed.

Home Forums General General Board Video equipment advise needed.

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    rovnumpty, you are a little behind the times on the missing video, if you call the boat you will find that this has been solved, and running well.

    The problem was not with the 73fifty recorder but with the uploader,software to transfer the video files to the NAS box, this is now solved and a new version available on the NETmc Marine website for download.

    I believe the ROV guys on the vessel are happy with the system as it is now.

    Re the time it takes to upload the video, i believe the vessel you are speaking about uploads the video once every 24 hours, that is a lot of video to do at once in anyones book. However the same vessel now has the new NETmc Marine Harvester software, this is running on the PC they use to upload the video from the 73fifty, it runs automatic uploads of the video files every hour so it happens in the background and means that inspection or survey personnel can see the video within an hour of it being recorded. Of course the ROV guys can replay the video from the 73fifty straight after the video has been recorded.

    Re which system suits your requirement sheep_fragger is probably best discussed with NETmc Marine so give them a call.

    Cheers for that, its sounds like a good setup, certainley got to be better than messing around with tapes.

    When I get back from this job I will give them a call.


    rovnumpty, you are a little behind the times on the missing video, if you call the boat you will find that this has been solved, and running well.

    The problem was not with the 73fifty recorder but with the uploader,software to transfer the video files to the NAS box, this is now solved and a new version available on the NETmc Marine website for download.

    If you say so Raymond.

    As to the downloading files. This was done at every background compensation. 3 hours of video was taking approx. an hour to download.

    Another thing is to switch the 73fifty’s off and on again if you do anything like switch a camera off, or delete from the recorder.

    We’d learned to live with the system, rather than be ‘happy’ with it. And certainly wouldn’t suggest to any data dog that had to process the video that they were ‘happy’.


    OK rovnumpty, i know the system was on two vessels at the same time, may be the other boat was doing the download after longer spells.

    Not sure about switching the camera off and then having to switch off the recorder, but the unit does have to be power cycled to clear off the old video files.


    Folks just to keep you uptodate. the vessel has just taken delivery of the Harvester software, thus allowing the video to be uploaded automatically without input from the ROV team. I await feedback on it’s use qnd performance.

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