Thanks for the replies guys, sorry about that guess I should have given more info.
I’ve worked offshore in South Africa, starting off as a regular Maint. Hand in 1998, I did that for about a year and then moved up to being a Roustabout. I did that for a couple of years until a spot opened up on the Drill floor where I was a roughneck. I did that for a year when I got a job with Frank’s int. as a Casing hand and CAM tech. (CAM = computer analysed make up) I basically read the graphs that the power tongs produced when making up casing and so on. The expierience I got from there was Hydraulic, Mechanical and limited Electrical expierience. While working for Frank’s int. I worked the whole of West Africa (Mainly Angola and Nigeria.), and also the Mexican Gulf off the Lousianna coast.
I worked for them for 5.5 years until I left and moved to Aberdeen, Scotland in mid 2006. I then went to work for BJ Completions and Assy Services. (Just as a service tech making up float shoes and collars and so on.)
I then went to work for Baker Hughes in Dyce as a Electro Mechanical Tech. working on wireline tools, building, repairing and maintaining an array of differant tools like Earth Imagers and Density tools as weel as a whole bunch of other tools that perform differant tasks. I’ve got an equivilent AC and DC HNC cert.
Hope this helps and aplogies for the life story.
Like I said I’ve wanted this for 14 years and would be happy to work anywhere. Any advice would be great, especially companies that are hiring.