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West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

Home Forums General General Board West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

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  • #18154
    Andy Shiers

    It’s like working in Glasgow Saturday night 😀


    Hi Lost
    Ahhh, then i get it.



    Can i ask why you guys want to work a place where you need armed guard when you go to work, i dont get it, maybe i am the stupid one

    The armed guards are only required onshore. Offshore is much safer.

    Also I know of an ROV company that pays a substantial allowance to those prepared to work in West Africa. For newbies this is about 50% of their day rate.So a newbie can earn 1 1/2 times what he would earn in the North Sea for two days of being under an armed guard.

    Considering the amount of guys passing through the armed guard phases and the number involved in incidents, there is a very low probability of the person being involved in an incident. The probability is likely less than that of being involved in a car accident in your home country or of being involved in an incident working in Glasgow on a Saturday night (Thanks Lostboy).

    There are a lot of really irritating and inconvenient downsides though, already mentioned in this thread.

    Andy Shiers

    I seem to recall in the depths of my grey matter ( Not my hair Scott ! )
    That platforms also have a tendancy to be raided………………………… Offshore 😯
    Bare that in mind Pop Pickers 😕

    Scott Beveridge

    It’s like working in Glasgow Saturday night 😀

    Glaswegian love whisper instructions:

    Grasp Bic ballpoint pen (Biro) in hand of most used (if remembered)…

    Say the words (or try to pronounce the words.. ) Fit like Jimmie?? Close(ish)

    Put said Biro (for the Ozzies, okay??) 90 degrees perpendicular to preferred ear of (soon to be) victim and slide at a rather high velocity into said ear whilst saying / stating local anemities into other (good) ear at a not so usual volume, the not so uncommon get FARQED MUTER FARQER

    Farq yeah!!!! Whoops, yet another digression…

    Scott Beveridge


    Can i ask why you guys want to work a place where you need armed guard when you go to work, i dont get it, maybe i am the stupid one

    The armed guards are only required onshore. Offshore is much safer.

    Also I know of an ROV company that pays a substantial allowance to those prepared to work in West Africa. For newbies this is about 50% of their day rate.So a newbie can earn 1 1/2 times what he would earn in the North Sea for two days of being under an armed guard.

    Considering the amount of guys passing through the armed guard phases and the number involved in incidents, there is a very low probability of the person being involved in an incident. The probability is likely less than that of being involved in a car accident in your home country or of being involved in an incident working in Glasgow on a Saturday night (Thanks Lostboy).

    There are a lot of really irritating and inconvenient downsides though, already mentioned in this thread.

    Heh, heh…. go for it son!!! Got a will made out yet??? Got insurance —— oh yeah, what about that?? Read the fine print and good luck… P.S. – Bring your own Kevlar -ware companies don’t supply it – seriously!


    He He!!!!

    Got a spare set of 4A kevlar here if you want it dude, size large!!! even got the bone dome. All nice and blue so you blend in 😳 😳

    Be good


    He He!!!!

    Got a spare set of 4A kevlar here if you want it dude, size large!!! even got the bone dome. All nice and blue so you blend in

    Screw the career choice that requires PPE designed to take a supersonic, armour piercing round ! 😯

    Is it considered "bad form" with the "continentals" to shoot back – I read an account of a FPSO that got attacked in Nigeria – photographs were utterly horrendous and they beat the crew.

    Accomodation main doors were gas-axed !


    Hi ROVRatt
    Money is not everything, i will still say that its about 50% safer to work anywhere else in th world

    Who want to work in WA when you can get paied 250S$ here in Asia 😆 😆


    Hi ROVRatt
    Money is not everything, i will still say that its about 50% safer to work anywhere else in th world

    Who want to work in WA when you can get paied 250S$ here in Asia 😆 😆

    For that money I wouldn’t get out of bed, although I may fart in the general direction of the phone.
    Seriously, I would not work on a rig in WA for any amount of money. At least on a vessel you have a chance to evade and you know the conditions you’re going to be living in.


    Monkey 8)

    Stocking up up on jabs for Angola 😯


    Hi Savante

    Is it considered "bad form" with the "continentals" to shoot back – I read an account of a FPSO that got attacked in Nigeria – photographs were utterly horrendous and they beat the crew.

    Please supply the links to the photos. Most interested. Thanks.


    [Please supply the links to the photos. Most interested. Thanks.]

    You’re not Max Mosely are you????

    Meaning do you get a kick out of seeing poor sods getting a hammering.


    Nigeria gunmen kidnap expat pair
    News wires

    Gunmen have kidnapped two foreign workers with a German construction company in the southern Nigerian oil city of Port Harcourt today, security forces have said.

    "Two expatriate staff of Julius Berger were abducted at about 7 am (0600 GMT) this morning," said Rita Inoma-Abbey, a spokeswoman for the police in Rivers state to Reuters.

    A spokesman for the military taskforce responsible for security in the state also confirmed the abductions but said the nationalities of the pair could not immediately be ascertained.

    Julius Berger is the Nigerian unit of Bilfinger Berger, Germany’s second largest builder.

    Have a nice trip……..

    Andy Shiers

    Well Well , There’s a surprise 8)
    Happy hunting 🙂


    I wouldn’t work there for all the tea in China…………….. Bas business that 😕

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