Home Forums General General Board West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

Home Forums General General Board West Africa – Would you/have you worked there?

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  • #18183
    Benny Edelman

    Angola is OK these days. I was there during the recent elections, had to stay at the SS7 guesthouse during election day and it was recommended not to go out. We did not hear any gunfires or riots. We did go out to the beach the day after the elections and there were no problems.
    They have streamlined the visa process and it takes only 1.5 hours now (less if you are at the front of the line) and permanent employees are getting a multiple entry visa which speeds up the process.
    The companies still make you show up at the airport 4 hours before the flight and then you complete your formalities and hang around the airport for 2.5 hours. exit formalities these days are quite fast if you have not overstayed your visa or have a disembarcation papers from the agent.
    The SS7 guest house is way out of town but nice and clean, it has wi-fi, swimming pool, reasonable food, reliable laundry, room cleaning is hotel standard. Rooms are large and comfortable, single occupancy but the beds are queen size. The room is open plan, only a half wall between the bedroom and the toilet, this is the main shortcoming of the room and I think SS7 should make the owner extend the wall to the ceiling and install a door and a vent.


    so old school,
    Now that you are at sonsub singapore?, i don’t guess you’ll be sticking your hand up for their latest offer.

    Their first ever foray into Nigeria,(from the singapore office) no mention of how you would crew change ie; E.Q or Cameroon??? most probably Luanda L.O.L, no mention wether any extra insurance for loss of life or kidnapping? but hey 10 percent extra!!!! L.O.L, should buy a bit of xtra kevlar protection.
    But according to those sites you steered us to, you might have a few of your country men their to take pot shots at the trouble makers?.

    Actually i heard Shekou China can be pretty dangerous too, when a certain company turns loose it’s punchy client reps on the beach????

    anyway, i’ll stick my hand up for the dark continent if you do too, NOT!!!

    Still, LMAO


    Nigeria; Been there and hate the Godless, lawless, filthy stinking place. Let them keep their oil and all their crap. They are a lost cause.

    Angola; Only one step behind Nigeria. Hpless & helpless but at least not as aggressive. I actually felt sorry for some of them.


    anyway, i’ll stick my hand up for the dark continent if you do too, NOT!!!


    I already raised my paw in reply to that offer…with the middle digit proudly extended 😆

    Actually i heard Shekou China can be pretty dangerous too, when a certain company turns loose it’s punchy client reps on the beach????

    Nah, no worries, they hit like chicks and then dive into taxis to run away from the retaliatory @$$whoppin! FYI, going rate for thier "client reps" (after crying and begging like lil girls in the cop shop) per punch is USD 10K to get outta jail and avoid servings of rice gruel up both ends in prision…ROFLMAO 😆 😆 😆

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