Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner What is the best way to get into the ROV industry?

What is the best way to get into the ROV industry?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner What is the best way to get into the ROV industry?

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    Martin MacDonald

    Im very intrested in the ROV industry. I’m leaving High school pretty soon and have managed to gain a few Highers, in physics, maths, computing…
    I’am unsure of where to make a start and what companies to go to for an apprenticeship, could any of you experienced guys help me out? Also is the ROV industry a very rewarding career path and, what is it like to work offshore?





    There’s a whole load of posts in this website regarding the information you requested, spend some time going through the forums and links to company sites and should you have any queries you cannot find answers to then add a post to this site and someone will be able to help.

    As for life offshore, check this out:

    It only scratches the surface 😆 but it’ll give you an idea.

    Good luck



    Martin MacDonald

    Thanks for the advice

    Much appreciated


    This company has just started advertising for apprentices through the modern apprenticeship scheme. Check out under vacancies in the Uk. The training is based in aberdeen scotland and offers broad spectrum nvq/svq style stuff with a choice at end of the apprenticeship what side you want to go in to either electronic/electrical or hydraulic/mechanical.



    The best way to get into this game is to write a good CV, send it to everybody and never, ever give up. I’ve been doing that for a year now and I’m just getting interviews now.



    This is not to put you off. (some people would do on here because they think there are too many new guys getting into this line of work), no offence to you guys out there but hey,with a few of you its true . You might want to get some life experience before trying to go offshore..If you are leaving school you are somewhere between 16-18 and like most that age, dont know your arse from your elbow or how to take care of either of those bodily parts.If you have lots of common sense and know how to look after yourself then please ignore that last sentence.

    Quals and common sense and as above a good cv. Your age might well go against you even if you have good quals as has happened with one guy I know who is 20.

    As K2 has written, definately read all the posts and info in the different forums as there is a wealth of good information on here. There is also alot of negative shite but I will leave that up to you to decide which is and what isnt. 😀

    Feel free to PM me if you want any help and Ill do my best to give an unbiased opinion to your questions…





    This is not to put you off. (some people would do on here because they think there are too many new guys getting into this line of work), no offence to you guys out there but hey,with a few of you its true . You might want to get some life experience before trying to go offshore..If you are leaving school you are somewhere between 16-18 and like most that age, dont know your arse from your elbow or how to take care of either of those bodily parts.If you have lots of common sense and know how to look after yourself then please ignore that last sentence.

    Quals and common sense and as above a good cv. Your age might well go against you even if you have good quals as has happened with one guy I know who is 20.

    As K2 has written, definately read all the posts and info in the different forums as there is a wealth of good information on here. There is also alot of negative shite but I will leave that up to you to decide which is and what isnt. 😀

    Feel free to PM me if you want any help and Ill do my best to give an unbiased opinion to your questions…



    ^^^^ Na na na, hold on here!!


    who says DES b’s comment was snarling?? thought the point of a forum was to allow people to give opinions and its completely up to the person who reads it if they wanna take heed of whats said?

    Des aimed his comment about life experience at people around 16-18, now if I have done my maths, you say you started offshore at 20 so you hand anything between 2-4 years life experience before hand?

    You cannot buy life experience!! and its what makes us as a person.

    Imagine at the age of 16 going off shore for say 2 weeks living with a load of men?? bit of daunting i would of thought.



    I love it when people like MacTeach slag the old guys off and threaten the we will take your job off you soon old man.
    I want them to take on a project and make the mistakes that have been done before because what realy counts is that some of these old duffers have had the pleasure of a long and varied apprenteship that has encorperated other gung ho fcukers monumental clangers with the result that they dont!
    Unfortuanatley for you more experienced techs we have a tendancy to let you get on with it and so appear to be the lasiest know fcuk all grumpy old gits in the buisness. You may have caught us off a previous job where we have had a brand new trainee and a local who’s grasp of English with a bought degree from his uncle in the Government is as good as your Portugese. So now in 2007 you have a Supervisor who has to launch, recover, fly, fix and complete paper work emails meetings phone calls then has a few hours sleep to start all over again.
    I would prefer to see your venom directed at the office and not the silly old duffers you wrongly despise!
    If I had you on a job with me with that attitude I would feel like the office had let me out of prison with good behaviour(compliance) and I could actually go to shitter on shift!!

    Take over from me know please, pretty please I only get £15 a day more!

    Martin MacDonald

    Im agreeing with Mechtech on this one. Yeah sure we younger guys may lack the life experiences but how else are whe going to learn? Books arent going give us this knowledge, thats why we youngsters need to go out there and face the big bad world. Also another point, who is going to replace the old guys of the industry? If we newbies seem incapable of it, who else is capable of doing the job? 😛


    Also another point, who is going to replace the old guys of the industry? If we newbies seem incapable of it, who else is capable of doing the job?

    don’t think its a case of thinking your incapable. at the end of the day there is job to do and safely if you haven’t got the experience to undertake that job you take a back seat and learn its the same in any industry. 😯
    if your of a good technical grounding then your off to a good start cos knowledge transfer is the easy part, stick in at this and rest will follow, very soon you’ll find yourself 2nd man in 3 man team, before long you’ll be begging to get off the sticks 😀


    ive no got anything against younger guys, I’m one of them!!!! just ssaying that life experience isn’t a bad thing


    Hey Mechtech

    Read between the lines….All I said was most dont know arse from elbow-That doesnt mean all. Im not an old crusty either and it wasnt an attack it was a simple non emotional sentence.Forces doesnt have anything to do with it either-you can learn to look after yourself anywhere and from anyone..I was only suggesting it may be easier for a 16-18 yr old to do it someplace other than offshore. 😆

    All you younger guys out there (and I mean less than 20-just for you mechtech)Im not having a go at you. Do your research before you make a choice….

    Hey rovjas, hows that big scots heed of yours? 😯



    i’m sorry,but i find it very hard to see any company taking on anybody just left or leaving shool if truth be told.they all want people with some form of work experience.thats not to put any young guys off.but if your just leaving school it might be better going to college or some kind of apprenticeship and learn something before getting into this.it ain’t for everybody.most companys look for a hnc in a mechanical/electronic discipline generally. so any young guys out there stick in!


    Not sure if u missed my post but SUbsea7 are in fact looking for people to take on apprenticeships. These are designed for people who have just left school although it lasts upto 4 years and the pays only around 10k. Other companies also do the same in other offshore fields.
    The pay alone indicates its angled towards kids leaving school as could you go back to earning 10 k a year? The training also is the lowest level of NVQ which indicates it s designed for those without a scooby.Its also gives a few years onshore before they send you away to be corrupted in the offshore industry.

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