Home Forums General General Board What is the minimum safe crewing level for a Work Class ROV

What is the minimum safe crewing level for a Work Class ROV

Home Forums General General Board What is the minimum safe crewing level for a Work Class ROV

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  • #19979
    Scott Beveridge


    Your APAC division has done with 2…

    Who are APAC? They sound foreign and nothing surprises me with foreigners 😀

    SE Asia… Uhhh… Fugro office

    James McLauchlan

    There is no law covering ROVs and it unlikely there will be so we need to ensure that is included into our agreement also.

    Yes there is:-

    Health & Safety At Work Act
    Provision of Use of Work Equipment
    Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
    Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regs
    Electricity at Work Regs

    + many others.

    Having a 2 man operation of workclass vehicles could cause a breach in any of these. Its just that people moan but do not make official complaints or grievances.

    That appears to have been taken out of context.
    What I meant was there is no law covering minimum manning levels for ROV systems, i.e. stipulating actual team numbers. As per the discussion I was actually indicating that minimum manning levels are stipulated for dive teams and suggested that there was no law stating the actual number of members required to safely man a certain class of ROV system. Therefore, in the absence of legislation stating actual figures, it would be prudent to have such manning levels include in an industry ROV agreement.

    Health & Safety At Work Act
    Provision of Use of Work Equipment
    Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
    Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regs
    Electricity at Work Regs

    + many others.

    None of the above stipulate manning levels (as in actual team sizes) for ROV systems but do leave many grey areas open to interpretation, meaning that crew sizes can vary based on commercial pressure.

    I would suggest that one reason for people not complaining is because more often than not they have enough on their plate without reading and dissecting every paragraph of the above mentioned legislation to finally try and come up with a figure that they can argue the toss with on. What is needed is actual team sizes, in black and white, so that it is very obvious to anyone when things are not as they should be.

    Ray, with your experience you say….

    Having a 2 man operation of workclass vehicles could cause a breach in any of these.

    But even your statement doesn’t say would cause a breach, which indicates to me that you may be unsure which of the above might be breached.

    I believe manning levels need to be stated in a more obvious fashion than that.

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