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What Should Trainees Be Taught?

Home Forums General General Board What Should Trainees Be Taught?

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  • #8676

    Yeah that’s right teach em all nothing so when the proverbial hits the fan they are of no use to you and you have to do it all yourself.Then tell all who’ll listen how hopeless they are and how you had to do it all yourself!smart move


    so what is your location lost boy? ballbag is back to normal 😉 he was not in the huff just out of range for comms!!! 😉

    want a job out of rov? i need team leaders…….you are the man


    99% of newbies are a f*king waste of time, i would rather run the team short handed then carry dead weight who after one trip think they are the dogs bollocks and want more cash ect ect so wise up and give yourself a shake!!

    Andy Shiers

    You just hit the monkey square on the F!@##ng nose and broke all his teeth in the process in regards to a certain ‘Trainee’ you had on your last trip out in childland.
    The munster boy has been having a serious problem with him of late and for the long limbed spider to have this problem means that he aint such a good pilot after all 😯
    As for where I be at this momento is at home catching up on a f@#!ing essay list the wife has given me ! 🙁
    Due to go back to Childland around 16 th of this month , 🙂 Although I am open to suggestions about other work that might bring my personality back on track and give a bit of spice to life 😀
    Send me a private message my jockenese friend 😀


    what I said
    send out tradesmen not children as trainee’s and half your stress is gone
    If its not run em off
    is up to the guy’s out there to keep the standard of people up
    the office isnt supervising offshore


    thats it right on the head m8

    Andy Shiers

    Unfortunately Crusty , The orifice just send out the people and the Supervisor does not have a choice OR
    Take the situation that I am usually in ! 😕
    Orifice – "Here are the guys going out with you"
    Me – "Any good ? "
    Orifice – " Their CofV looks impressive " 😀
    Me – "Yes but how much experience have they got and are they good players !" 😕
    Orifice – " Look , just don’t rock the raft ! 😡 , if they ain’t good send them offsky" 🙂
    Me – "Ahh , How am I going to do that 😕 There is no Chopper and no supply boat 😯 "
    Orifice-" We’ll arrange a chopper" 😉
    Of coarse , we all know that the Cyborgs in the orifice just want the system out the door pronto and F@!$k the logistics ! 😯
    If you do need to change out someone , you get –
    "look the job is only going to last another couple of weeks , Just suffer,Ahh , I mean cope until the end of the contract" 😛
    "Oh and there are no choppers ,……………sorry " 🙄


    office……"but we are realy stuck, cant you just manage with one hours sleep a week? its not as if you are busy like us in the office, you are offshore enjoying your self"

    office….. "the guy out of f/william may have no arms but he is cheap and willing to learn"


    Andy Shiers

    Also does a mean tealady with a mop on his head and scotch as eyeliner 😆

    Mike Kidd

    And the company man doesn’t notice that it is the same person on the sticks all the time with the green hat at the back reading a magazine as he cant even fill the logs in 😡


    Hey guys lighten up on us newbies. Im new to this game and was hoping for a bit more support from people in the trade. But it seems to me that a certain amount of you are not interested in sharing your knowledge and helping new people develop. I come to this trade with 25 years experience as a master vehicle technician in the motor trade, I have a wealth of technical expertise and have always been willing to share my knowledge if it helps someone else do their job or solve problems. There is no ‘I’ in team, so come on guys we are not all incompetent us newbies. Look at it this way, you may just learn something from us.

    Shaun Briant

    Guys, some of the replies seem a bit anti new ROV pilots. I am currently doing a seven week ROV Pliot/Technician at Fort William, that I hope will give me the basic skills required to work in the ROV world.

    Can I ask if anyone has had a new ROV pilot from Fort William and how they rate them, I understand some may be a little more switched than others, but I am very interested on how I will be viewed on my first job.



    Hope you havnt wasted your money but what you do at fort william has little to do with your reception.
    Its more about attitude and skills.
    Not having been to fort william its difficult to give a straight answer but the general feeling across the industry is its a waste of time. I have also heard that from guys who have done the course.
    How about some comments from fort william graduates!!

    Ray Shields

    Cerberus and SB,

    you will always find people who say nothing but bad things about Trainees, doesnt mean they are in the majority.

    In the last couple of years its been worse for teh experienced guys as the Companies have been chucking people offshore with next to no experience/training or sending them out as a core member of the team instead of an extra.

    This puts increased pressure on the ones with the experience and hence the complaints increase 😕

    SB, I would really appreciate feedback on the Fort William course after you have completed it. It is certainly true to say that a few years ago all such courses were badly thought of. But we need feedback from recent people to see if it has improved rather than just assuming its just as crap.

    I think the biggest gripe people have about trainees nowadays is they seem to have little common sense, they have no get up and go or inclination to learn about the ROV system. It is a real problem when you leave one industry to join another and you start at the bottom again, some people find it difficult. Everyone started making the teas, being on the winch, tidying the workshop.

    Its the trainees who come out and wont get off their arse to do anything and just keep going on about how poorly paid they are and that they should be a PT1 after 6 months who get the backs up the experienced guys.


    The problem I see is that some people can’t be arsed to work these days and expect to be paid loads to do nothing or do something with less enthusiasm and effort than is required and the problem is they get away with it.

    Though I have not broken into the ROV industry yet I can see how this is frustrating as I have the same problems where I am at the moment. It seems I have to do my job and then follow round making sure that all the other jobs are done properly and most of the time redoing it again or fixing the problems left by the slacking half of the so called TEAM.

    So the grass is never greener on the other side!

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