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What Should Trainees Be Taught?

Home Forums General General Board What Should Trainees Be Taught?

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  • #8766

    Well Star! Finally a Guy with an attitude that i would be proud to work with. You have just brought me back to thinking of going back into the ROV mix. I was a trainee for a year and found so many dicks as supervisors that i gave it up. I do have a degree in mech eng (which i am not sorry to have) and i am a hydraulic Engineer by trade and yes i’m ex mob! but this forum has slated the Trainees that much i have decided to drop ROV world and join another community. It went from a serious question down to just abuse of the new guys. I like to think myself of being concientious and interested of which i tried to do when Offshore, but the pricks that thought they where gods as supervisors and belittled grown men with trades who had famalies of there own really made me think its not worth it. I would expect that at maybe 16 but not as a grown married man. As Star says respect and maybe come down to his level of understanding would make the guy relax and then you will get the best out of him, also a lot of patience and a systematic approach to the training would help tons.
    All i asked for when i was brand new was toTell the trainee what his role would be and the things he would be expected to do and at least he knows ahead of performance so he can do it to his best ability i personally wished he would let go of the strings a little and let me get a spanner in my hands instead of being treat like one and maybe fly an hour or so aday.
    There are to many weird attitudes as supervisors out there and if they did this on shore in a job they would soon be down the road or get a smack in the mouth. Lets have decent guys back as supervisors like Star and if you are lucky i just might come back into the industry!! ๐Ÿ˜‰


    What makes me laf.

    There are Pros and cons for trainees, a good percentage of trainees have a trade or higher background, and this is great. True is not rocket science and fixing hydraulics and wanking a spanner isnโ€™t that hard, but how many times have I heard.
    โ€œ I just went out and tightened all the Swagelok fittingsโ€.
    โ€œUmm was it leakingโ€.
    โ€œWell I guess it is nowโ€โ€ฆ..

    Now it is easy to complain when being a trainee that they arenโ€™t utilized to there full ability. ROVโ€™s are very job specific, otherwise every man and there dog would be doing it, true? If your and electronics tech then Iโ€™m sure that the majority have limited knowledge with electrics and Subsea, oil fill this and penetrators etc. This aint hard to pick up, but it dose take time.

    As far as flying and the new guys complaining they donโ€™t get enough time in the sticks, yes it true you guys donโ€™t. If you worked at McDonalds on the register and kept fucking up then youโ€™re back flipping burgers, simple. We are here to supply a service. Every opportunity when time permits the trainee should have a go and plow that sub into the seabed.

    So yes it dose take some time to refine your skills WRT ROVโ€™s some guys pick it up faster than others. There are some great new techs coming into the industry agreed. I am not an expert by no means in all facets of the ROV game and thatโ€™s why we work as a team. Man how many times have I been taught something new by a trainee, shit loads, mainly hydraulics and Iโ€™m still picking up more and more every day. Derrrrr.

    I hear a lot of complaining about the sups and yes we all bitch. My main gripe is not the new guys professional knowledge. Itโ€™s the hyper inflated egos of the fellas that have been ROVing for a short period of time, and think that there Manfred Von Ricthoffen, lufwaffa, ACE PILOT. And there crap.

    Andy Quote: and if you are lucky i just might come back into the industry. You wouldnโ€™t need deodorizer in your toilet would ya?

    To Mick From West OZ. Laf Quote โ€œ$400 AUD which I also couldn’t justifyโ€ for the ROV book.
    1 Question why are you in ROVโ€™s?
    There are some that love it, but you have to do it to love it!
    So Iโ€™m guessing it must be the money.
    $400 dollars aint that much in the scheme of things, me thinks.

    Thatโ€™s my thoughts.
    Mick Stokes

    Scott Beveridge

    I hear a lot of complaining about the sups and yes we all bitch. My main gripe is not the new guys professional knowledge. Itโ€™s the hyper inflated egos of the fellas that have been ROVing for a short period of time, and think that there Manfred Von Ricthoffen, lufwaffa, ACE PILOT. And there crap.
    8) 8)

    I think I’ve used the term "self – impressed" Rovers over a dozen times this past week…. And yes, ladies and germs, this does include us old ones as well; the young fellas don’t hold a patent to it…

    Andy Shiers

    No matter if the supervisor is an asshole , He is still senior asshole to you ! ๐Ÿ˜€ Take the shit on to your face ๐Ÿ˜€ that comes out of his orifice It does not mean that you have to swallow it ๐Ÿ˜€ Just wear it for a while until the job finishes . Keep your mouth shut when concerning " I know , I know back chat ! You ain’t in no position as a trainee to say diddley squat ! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
    You can learn one way or another even from him ( OR her ๐Ÿ˜€ )
    We were all young once but it dosena change anything where I’m concerned , It’s still called respect ! I am fair to everyone that I work with , I do not tell someone to do something That I would not do myself and I enjoy a laugh BUT My word is final and you do as I tell you , Because I’m your supervisor !
    Oh and I have absolutley no problems working under anyone else for that matter ( I get paid the same either way ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    Scott Beveridge

    No matter if the supervisor is an asshole , He is still senior asshole to you ! ๐Ÿ˜€ Take the shit on to your face ๐Ÿ˜€ that comes out of his orifice It does not mean that you have to swallow it ๐Ÿ˜€ Just wear it for a while until the job finishes . Keep your mouth shut when concerning " I know , I know back chat ! You ain’t in no position as a trainee to say diddley squat ! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
    You can learn one way or another even from him ( OR her ๐Ÿ˜€ )
    We were all young once but it dosena change anything where I’m concerned , It’s still called respect ! I am fair to everyone that I work with , I do not tell someone to do something That I would not do myself and I enjoy a laugh BUT My word is final and you do as I tell you , Because I’m your supervisor !
    Oh and I have absolutley no problems working under anyone else for that matter ( I get paid the same either way ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    Hear Hear ol’ chap! We’ve all had our share (being brought up in the ROV indust.) o’ shit. NOBODY’S IMMUNE TO IT – THERE’S GOOD AND BAD TO EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE. Why would anybody think that the ROV indust. shouldn’t have it’s share of arseholes!!!???


    some supervisors and experienced people train the trainee in the wrong aspects. Concerned about a bit of railing needs a paint or there is dirt on the winch (yes every job important offshore), but some maintanence need done, weeklys,or something which a trainee needs to learn,dont just get the second guy to do them and trainee does the painting.. should it not be so to get both techs to do the maintanence and leave the painting to another time when maintanence, or weeklys have been completed so the trainee can learn properly. When I am supervisor I prefer this, get the jobs/maintanence which is important to keep the rov working than get the trainee to paint just cos he/she not know things yet or to keep him/her busy out of the way. as i said there have been a few guys who were my supervisors when i was trainee, and they pass me on the way up. I dont forget. but i do also remeber the decent supervisors out there.. and as for just keeping your mouth shut.. ha ha i assume you like being treated like a carpet. each to there own. and as for other jobs industrys its true as well, its up to the person, whether trainee supervisor or others wise in any job. I certainly did not appreciate being told or shouted at, i never put up with it and i never will . as i said each to there own. Now i supervise I try to treat trainees , techs and anyone else in any position offshore with respect.. speaking of which.. never piss the laundry guys or the galley/cooks off! ever ๐Ÿ˜†


    some supervisors and experienced people train the trainee in the wrong aspects. Concerned about a bit of railing needs a paint or there is dirt on the winch (yes every job important offshore), but some maintanence need done, weeklys,or something which a trainee needs to learn,dont just get the second guy to do them and trainee does the painting.. should it not be so to get both techs to do the maintanence and leave the painting to another time when maintanence, or weeklys have been completed so the trainee can learn properly. When I am supervisor I prefer this, get the jobs/maintanence which is important to keep the rov working than get the trainee to paint just cos he/she not know things yet or to keep him/her busy out of the way. as i said there have been a few guys who were my supervisors when i was trainee, and they pass me on the way up. I dont forget. but i do also remeber the decent supervisors out there.. and as for just keeping your mouth shut.. ha ha i assume you like being treated like a carpet. each to there own. and as for other jobs industrys its true as well, its up to the person, whether trainee supervisor or others wise in any job. I certainly did not appreciate being told or shouted at, i never put up with it and i never will . as i said each to there own. Now i supervise I try to treat trainees , techs and anyone else in any position offshore with respect.. speaking of which.. never piss the laundry guys or the galley/cooks off! ever ๐Ÿ˜†

    I just cant believe theres a good supervisor out there ๐Ÿ˜ฏ in fact `Star` you have to tell me where u r and what company your with and i`ll be there to finish my training with you. Bloody amazing i thought every supervisor was mongal and needed parental guidance because of there mentality to others. wow hang on just picking myself off the floor! name me the company man or pm me at least.

    Scott Beveridge

    some supervisors and experienced people train the trainee in the wrong aspects. Concerned about a bit of railing needs a paint or there is dirt on the winch (yes every job important offshore), but some maintanence need done, weeklys,or something which a trainee needs to learn,dont just get the second guy to do them and trainee does the painting.. should it not be so to get both techs to do the maintanence and leave the painting to another time when maintanence, or weeklys have been completed so the trainee can learn properly. When I am supervisor I prefer this, get the jobs/maintanence which is important to keep the rov working than get the trainee to paint just cos he/she not know things yet or to keep him/her busy out of the way. as i said there have been a few guys who were my supervisors when i was trainee, and they pass me on the way up. I dont forget. but i do also remeber the decent supervisors out there.. and as for just keeping your mouth shut.. ha ha i assume you like being treated like a carpet. each to there own. and as for other jobs industrys its true as well, its up to the person, whether trainee supervisor or others wise in any job. I certainly did not appreciate being told or shouted at, i never put up with it and i never will . as i said each to there own. Now i supervise I try to treat trainees , techs and anyone else in any position offshore with respect.. speaking of which.. never piss the laundry guys or the galley/cooks off! ever ๐Ÿ˜†

    I just cant believe theres a good supervisor out there ๐Ÿ˜ฏ in fact `Star` you have to tell me where u r and what company your with and i`ll be there to finish my training with you. Bloody amazing i thought every supervisor was mongal and needed parental guidance because of there mentality to others. wow hang on just picking myself off the floor! name me the company man or pm me at least.

    To all the newbies and newbie supervisors, some good input here but heed this. Many times when new or newish guys / gals get onboard they seem keen, some seem too keen… As a supervisor I have to ASSESS the person in question as soon as possible. This includes the chatting to, the welcoming, ( yes, I’m one of the "easy" supvs….), and the observing from afar as well as closeup.

    We can’t expect to put a guy we don’t know from Adam to jump right in to re-build hyd. boxes or re-engineer a pod without the acceptable (ususally at the supv discretion) amount of time working together AS A TEAM to finally feel confident enough about a p /tech or sub eng to allow him / her to carry out the task at hand. As far as stick time… I let all newbies get on the stick(s) as often as possible except for those very persnickety work tasks… "Flying" ROV’s has become a bit boring so I enjoy the challenge of talking a guy / gal thru it.


    Lets have decent guys back as supervisors like Star and if you are lucky i just might come back into the industry!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ve never had a problem with trainees, I was one myself many moons ago. But the above statement might as well say "I am a twat !"



    you miss what i said… I wont get a guy/girl to go paint just because he/she cant get into maintanence on his/her own. I would not let them "jump" into a complex job or something they have no experience on…. however! if the experienced technician whom i would first know is not or is capable of a task and I am happy with this, then i would have the trainee assist Him/her whether is fetching tools, holding something or watch. I wont have him/her go paint/ or something which can wait just so they kept busy.. thats bullshit. A trainee must gain as much info as possible, so when they get moved on or come back they are of more use to the system etc. stick time… well a lot of even supervisors out there cant even fly themselves.. its not hard. hell you either have it or you dont.
    I have seen guys with years and years experience as supervisor cant fly worth a shit(he was American by the way) ๐Ÿ™„ then we let another service hand or even rig crew have a shot, they done better than the supervisor
    as for this "your the trainee.. am the boss supervisor bull, does not last too much with me."
    think this is a yank attitude.

    Ray Shields

    I agree mostly in what is being said about trainees being there to be taught not just make the tea and paint (which, as we all know are very useful skills to have ๐Ÿ˜† ).

    However, like any other Manager, a good supervisor discusses and listens to fellow workmates, including trainees, but the final decision has to be that of the SUpervisor – it may be the RIGHT decision, it may not. But that is his job and, more importantly, it is his responsibility (for people and equipment)

    I also agree that a lot of trainees are only trainees when it comes to ROVs. They can be highly skilled hydraulics engineers, its just ROVs they dont know. I have been shown how to do things by "trainees", I dont know everything, some poeple are better at things than others.

    Unfortunately, as a Supervisor, you have all come across new people where its "yeah, I know what to do" and then they go off and do the complete opposite. Supervisors must have the opportunity to judge the skills and common sense of a trainee before allowing him to do certain jobs.

    I woud disagree with sending ANYONE off to paint a handrail if there was other more useful work (or training) that can be done.

    Scott Beveridge

    you miss what i said… I wont get a guy/girl to go paint just because he/she cant get into maintanence on his/her own. I would not let them "jump" into a complex job or something they have no experience on…. however! if the experienced technician whom i would first know is not or is capable of a task and I am happy with this, then i would have the trainee assist Him/her whether is fetching tools, holding something or watch. I wont have him/her go paint/ or something which can wait just so they kept busy.. thats bullshit. A trainee must gain as much info as possible, so when they get moved on or come back they are of more use to the system etc. stick time… well a lot of even supervisors out there cant even fly themselves.. its not hard. hell you either have it or you dont.
    I have seen guys with years and years experience as supervisor cant fly worth a shit(he was American by the way) ๐Ÿ™„ then we let another service hand or even rig crew have a shot, they done better than the supervisor
    as for this "your the trainee.. am the boss supervisor bull, does not last too much with me."
    think this is a yank attitude.

    I was actually starting to like this one here til’ the typical star Yank slaggin’

    It had a bit of passion til it went back to not-so-surprising immaturity once again… sad


    Another thing trainees should be taught always, read the manuals! the technicians log book/diary and ask questions on the various repairs maintanence which has been done in the past which is written in the log or diary on that system they are sent to.
    ๐Ÿ’ก โ— ๐Ÿ˜€


    Lets have decent guys back as supervisors like Star and if you are lucky i just might come back into the industry!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ve never had a problem with trainees, I was one myself many moons ago. But the above statement might as well say "I am a twat !"


    Seems to me that the piedpiper dosnt know a tongue in cheek comment even if it is said to his face. I think his shallow comment says volumes on what kind of guy he is out there at sea and idiot could be one of them. ๐Ÿ˜• Big brave girl on a keyboard aint ya. If you become my bitch i will treat you manners but bring something to bite down on it could be a long time of pain. Little boys need to be chastised. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Lets have decent guys back as supervisors like Star and if you are lucky i just might come back into the industry!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’ve never had a problem with trainees, I was one myself many moons ago. But the above statement might as well say "I am a twat !"


    Seems to me that the piedpiper dosnt know a tongue in cheek comment even if it is said to his face. I think his shallow comment says volumes on what kind of guy he is out there at sea and idiot could be one of them. ๐Ÿ˜• Big brave girl on a keyboard aint ya. If you become my bitch i will treat you manners but bring something to bite down on it could be a long time of pain. Little boys need to be chastised. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    oh dear, your on the WRONG website mate, I’m sure if you google "leather joy boys" you will find what your looking for.
    As for your statement it didn’t sound much tongue in cheek, just a wine about the bad time you had with all your supv’s…………..a common thread running there I think. And your no longer in the ROV industry ? Obviously our loss.


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