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What Should Trainees Be Taught?

Home Forums General General Board What Should Trainees Be Taught?

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  • #8781
    Andy Shiers

    Another thing trainees should be taught always, read the manuals! the technicians log book/diary and ask questions on the various repairs maintanence which has been done in the past which is written in the log or diary on that system they are sent to.
    πŸ’‘ ❗ πŸ˜€

    Errr No πŸ˜• Disagree there , You can read the manual till your black and blue but you will not absorb it till a specific job comes along πŸ’‘
    Best ask the tech to annaylise a certain job and look for the said aspect in the manual


    Lets have decent guys back as supervisors like Star and if you are lucky i just might come back into the industry!! πŸ˜‰

    I’ve never had a problem with trainees, I was one myself many moons ago. But the above statement might as well say "I am a twat !"


    Seems to me that the piedpiper dosnt know a tongue in cheek comment even if it is said to his face. I think his shallow comment says volumes on what kind of guy he is out there at sea and idiot could be one of them. πŸ˜• Big brave girl on a keyboard aint ya. If you become my bitch i will treat you manners but bring something to bite down on it could be a long time of pain. Little boys need to be chastised. πŸ˜‰

    oh dear, your on the WRONG website mate, I’m sure if you google "leather joy boys" you will find what your looking for.
    As for your statement it didn’t sound much tongue in cheek, just a wine about the bad time you had with all your supv’s…………..a common thread running there I think. And your no longer in the ROV industry ? Obviously our loss.


    Actually i do think its your loss because i was quite good at what i did and others have commented on the work i have done. I also had the right attitude and was able to do 6 weeks on the likes of scarabeo 4 and other god forsaken places with out moaning about the time i was out there of which i think is very important! i know a lot of ROV tech 1s who constantly moan. I am not gods gift and far from it but i settled in well to the role but as i said the Supervisors were di*ks in general should never have been supervisors. I have done the apprentiship bit and is have been married with children foe a while, therfore i expect just to be shown the way and not treat like an idiot, because that i am not. I expected to do upto 18 months as a trainee and then pilot/tech for a couple of years from there. But the industry needs a good shake up if thats the calibre of supervisor out there. Hell half of them couldnt even diagnose a problem it was left to the Pilot/tech to tell him what was wrong on my last job.
    I just feel sorry for the new guys. Get them in young / indifferent and then you can beast them all you want! not that that is right tho!

    Hopefully there will be a big turn around in personell and the good guys come through and the dinosaurs get extinct.


    Actually i do think its your loss because i was quite good at what i did and others have commented on the work i have done. I also had the right attitude and was able to do 6 weeks on the likes of scarabeo 4 and other god forsaken places with out moaning about the time i was out there of which i think is very important! i know a lot of ROV tech 1s who constantly moan. I am not gods gift and far from it but i settled in well to the role but as i said the Supervisors were di*ks in general should never have been supervisors. I have done the apprentiship bit and is have been married with children foe a while, therfore i expect just to be shown the way and not treat like an idiot, because that i am not. I expected to do upto 18 months as a trainee and then pilot/tech for a couple of years from there. But the industry needs a good shake up if thats the calibre of supervisor out there. Hell half of them couldnt even diagnose a problem it was left to the Pilot/tech to tell him what was wrong on my last job.
    I just feel sorry for the new guys. Get them in young / indifferent and then you can beast them all you want! not that that is right tho!

    Hopefully there will be a big turn around in personell and the good guys come through and the dinosaurs get extinct.

    If you were that good you should have stuck it out and asked your ops manager to move you to another vessel/rig because of a personality conflict. Why throw away a career because you don’t like the way a couple of guys operate ? Get back on the bike, not every supv is the same. Maybe try a different company this time !
    Better luck next time !


    Murray Blom

    Sorry piepiper, we don’t want andylane back in the industry, he might, might being the operative word, have been good at what he did but he does not sound like he has the correct attitued / personality to make it offshore.

    As mentioned earlier in the thread, apologies to who ever it was, personality is what it takes to make it offshore, either you have it or you don’t. I have had traniees with me (usually as a two man crew) for a lot of my jobs over the last few years and I don’t really care what their back ground is, if they are pleasant and WILLING TO LEARN that’s all I want.

    If they have an electronics or hydraulics back ground that’s even better but not a prerequisite. English speaking is even better…. 😯

    I’ve been in the game for 18+ years now and I’m not in the slightest bit worried that some trainee is going to take my job or anything like that, (which is an impression that I get from some people as to why they don’t like to train people). The Orriface Manglers know me, know how much it is going to take to pry me from my lazyboy (that’s a nicely padded reclining chair for those in other parts) and keep calling…

    The only area where I restrict a trainee is in the flying, and before you all jump down my throat, we are here to do a job, the client is paying for a product and we are supplying it whether it’s a DVD of a pipeline or pulling a pin to release a shackle, it needs to be done and done fast and efficiently. Once the job is done the trainee can spend as much time getting lost and caught up etc as he wants!!!!

    I’m (just possibly πŸ˜† ) not the best pilot in the world, probably not the best electronics or hydraulics engineer either but I can pull my weight when push comes to shove. I’m a compotent supervisor, have the little plastic card to say so, (thank you SCS) but can’t say I have heard any bad feed back from my trainees (yet πŸ˜• )

    But as said before it all comes down to personality, one of the other threads talks about ‘strange people offshore’, well you have to be a bit strange to work offshore in the first place, who in their right mind would put up with living like a monk for weeks on end when they could be at home with the family, down the pub every other night, except for the alkies who go down every night, yes you know who I’m talking about πŸ˜‰

    To all trainees, go for it, put up with the arseholes because you will meet them and if you last long enough and learn something you might not become one of them……

    And remember if you don’t get out of the offshore industry within the first 6 years you never will!!!!!!

    Andy Shiers

    F#@k me πŸ˜†
    That’s the longest dialoge you’ve ever said ROVsuper πŸ˜€
    I’m impressed 😯
    Hear hear πŸ™‚


    You go out there to maintain and fix an ROV system, THAT is your primary role. Flying and using the manip is the pleasure you get out of your hours of hard work maintaining the damned thing. Some people take the title Pilot too literally and think it means they shouldnt get their hands dirty and all they are there for is to fly.

    I agree but also disagree at the same time. The client is paying for a picture from the ROV or what ever job it is performing. He is not paying for it when it is broken. My first day on first trip offshore I was put on the sticks to see if I β€œhad it” as it were. From my experience client reps love to come into the shack when the ROV is doing some β€˜important/critical’ job sub sea, if they see the trainee flying and doing a good job they take note for sure and will want to keep you!
    I’m not a supervisor yet so maybe my point of view is wrong?

    Feed back would be good.

    Ray Shields

    You go out there to maintain and fix an ROV system, THAT is your primary role. Flying and using the manip is the pleasure you get out of your hours of hard work maintaining the damned thing. Some people take the title Pilot too literally and think it means they shouldnt get their hands dirty and all they are there for is to fly.

    I agree but also disagree at the same time. The client is paying for a picture from the ROV or what ever job it is performing. He is not paying for it when it is broken. My first day on first trip offshore I was put on the sticks to see if I β€œhad it” as it were. From my experience client reps love to come into the shack when the ROV is doing some β€˜important/critical’ job sub sea, if they see the trainee flying and doing a good job they take note for sure and will want to keep you!
    I’m not a supervisor yet so maybe my point of view is wrong?

    Feed back would be good.

    I see what you’re saying, I think it depends on your perspective. From the Clients point of view, yes. He is paying for you to do a job. I am talking from the ROV personnels point of view.

    Client Reps will come int o the shack no matter how many bloody monitors and comms units you put elsewhere to keep them out of your hair while your trying to do the job πŸ™‚

    Most of the Clients Ive worked with either dont care whos flying as long as the job gets done, or insists that the most experienced guys does ALL the job and hes not paying to teach someone! And then you get others in-between…

    I think we’ve got our moneysowrth out of this thread – been on the go since October πŸ˜†

    Andy Shiers

    How many years have you been doing it then Rovpilot ?

    Ray Shields

    Thought I would "bump" this subject back up on top. For any new Trainees out there, have a read through the first half dozen pages of messages for some good info from seasoned offshore people on here and if you can get through some of the banter, there is a lot of good hints and tips for you here.

    The rest of the messages are just people slagging each other off, just ignore them πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Andy Shiers

    You Slag πŸ˜€

    Ray Shields

    You are Norman Stanly Fletcher and I claim my Β£10!

    Andy Shiers

    Porridge to you πŸ˜€

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