Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion What to expect at a interview for an ROV Tooling technician?

What to expect at a interview for an ROV Tooling technician?

Home Forums ROV ROV Employment Discussion What to expect at a interview for an ROV Tooling technician?

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    Dan Matheson

    I have an interview coming up for the position of ROV tooling technician.

    I take it they will ask me about my knowledge of the various tooling equipment and my knowledge of hydraulics and electrics.

    However this covers a broad range of information is there anything specific I should be brushing up on that they will ask me?

    Also will they ask me about the overall operation of an ROV or will it be specifically about the actual ROV tools?

    I dont really want to spend a lot of time focusing on things that are not relevant to the interview when I could be concentrating more on what I really need to be up to speed with for the interview.

    If anyone has any advice for me it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    Ray Shields

    I would expect a Tooling Technician to be au fait with the operation and maintenance of the most common tools, torque, TDUs etc.

    You should have enough of a hydraulic and electrical background to be able to set up and maintain the tools. Note I have met many "tooling techs" who immediately say "nothing to do with me" when its the electronics on the TDU that fails – Tooling is tooling, all of it, not just the hydraulics!

    I would expect them to check the technical knowledge you say you have and ask you about the tools you have worked with. As far as the ROV goes, I would expect you to have a general knowledge of them and know how to interface your tools to them, but not the in depth knowledge of an ROV as I would expect the ROV Sub Eng to know.

    Dan Matheson

    I would expect a Tooling Technician to be au fait with the operation and maintenance of the most common tools, torque, TDUs etc.

    You should have enough of a hydraulic and electrical background to be able to set up and maintain the tools. Note I have met many "tooling techs" who immediately say "nothing to do with me" when its the electronics on the TDU that fails – Tooling is tooling, all of it, not just the hydraulics!

    I would expect them to check the technical knowledge you say you have and ask you about the tools you have worked with. As far as the ROV goes, I would expect you to have a general knowledge of them and know how to interface your tools to them, but not the in depth knowledge of an ROV as I would expect the ROV Sub Eng to know.

    Thanks for the reply. I should really have said I haven’t got any previous experience working with ROV’s but I have got a mechanical and electrical background from previously working as an Aircraft technician which must be the reason they called me in for an interview in the first place. So how much knowledge can they really expect me to have about the maintenance and operation of all the different tools considering I haven’t worked with them before?

    Can I expect a competency based interview where I have to provide various example of certain situations I have been involved with in the past and is an aptitude test common?


    I would say that you will need a ‘can do’ attitude, and be able to fault-find LOGICALLY and successfully.
    Tooling is not as technically demanding as aircraft systems, and really, other than fit and operate, you only need to be able to fix it.

    As long as you have a pulse, can breathe unaided, demonstrate a pragmatic and logical thought process and are a thoroughly nice chap (ess?) then you should be fine.

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