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whats the record dive for an ROV?

Home Forums General General Board whats the record dive for an ROV?

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    Who holds the record dive time for a single dive with an ROV?

    If you think you know letโ€™s hear your times, Hours days weeks,
    eyeball, work class?
    Iโ€™m just curious to see what you guys know. It would also be good if you could substantiate your claims.
    So here goes Sonsub Houston 600 hours with an Innovator in the Gulf of Mexico in 2006. Might be bull might not but its a start.




    Ron when i said lengh of dive I ment in time not in Meters?


    I think this record will definitely go to the pipe and slippers brigade (drill support).

    I have heard (i.e. anecdotal) of several subs remaining dived for in excess of 60 days or longer i.e. 60 x 24 = 1440 hrs.

    No longer in that environment so can’t comment further.

    Cheers ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Andrew Macbeth

    I thought we did good on the normand cutter with sonsub on Innovator 2 doin TDM and EFL, HFLs, we were in the water for 8days. But thats a crazy amount of hours, must have been a tight sub!!!


    I have heard from Ex-Canyon Supervisor that during the EHIME MARU salvage operation off the coast of Hawaii, few years back, they have done quite an amount of continuous dive time.
    I will get back on this after asking him again.
    Will keep you guys posted!! 8)


    We did 12 days in the North Sea a few months back with a 26 year old vehicle.


    I know a couple of ROVs that went off deck a few years ago and they are still floating about somewhere ๐Ÿ˜€

    Personally I have seen a sprint do a 163 hour dive which should be multiplied by at least a 100 cos it was a sprint!!!!


    5 weeks solid SCV in Angola cant remember the rig but it had 2 stay down that long as the crane boom fell on top of the main lift of the magnum and was siting on top of the a frame so they could not get the SCV out so they just kept it working till they got the crane boom removed and rescued it ,dont no if its true think its the Sedco express which on my calculations is 800 odd hrs


    5 weeks solid SCV in Angola cant remember the rig but it had 2 stay down that long as the crane boom fell on top of the main lift of the magnum and was siting on top of the a frame so they could not get the SCV out so they just kept it working till they got the crane boom removed and rescued it ,dont no if its true think its the Sedco express which on my calculations is 800 odd hrs

    701? ?

    SCV 26 and Mag 5(7)?

    JL Schnabel

    that definitely would have been the Sedneth 701

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