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Whats working in Middle east like?

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    I have been offered a longterm contract out of Abudhabi on a barge by a good UK agency but i am curious as to you guys opinions of working conditions there , i am used to SE ASIA, and NorthSea , so some good and some not so good ,Its probably a toss up between that or Sonsub Asia for my next job when my contract in Uk with SS7 ends..


    Andy Shiers

    A good place to start , You’ll get alot of experience there.

    James McLauchlan

    Middle East is safe enough. Conditions aren’t overly bad and on average and are better than Africa for transiting in and out of.

    Rates were often a lot lower than Europe but I believe the gap may have narrowed somewhat now. Europe is starting to lag on day rates.

    Some ME companies (few) have been known to be slow payers. So working with a company/agency that is known to pay on time is the way forward.

    Scott Beveridge

    Be prepared for any slow-downs and / or major delays during any religious festival.

    Andy Shiers

    Try not to act drunk out on public roads going form bar to bar as you can still be locked up even if you are a tourist !
    That is why you find the bars in hotels .

    Scott Beveridge

    Personal experience Lost??? 🙄

    It was a near-miss for meself one time!!

    Andy Shiers

    You should ask Lord Lucan about his stay at the Abu Dhobi Hilton for a month 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    He didn’t…!!!!??? More leverage with beverage!


    The agency is a UK based company , a decent one , and I am not liable to be found shagging ,pissed up on the beach with some orrible English slapper as recently featured in the press, I prefer oriental pleasures.etc.

    Scott Beveridge

    The agency is a UK based company , a decent one , and I am not liable to be found shagging ,pissed up on the beach with some orrible English slapper as recently featured in the press, I prefer oriental pleasures.etc.

    Atta boy!!! Leave the piss ups for the hotel you stay in (if you have to stay in a hotel…)

    Andy Shiers

    Unfortunately The Mid- East has gone down hill in the last fifteen years 🙁
    The ARABS as much as they preach prudence and high living , opened the gates to all the Whores of the world 😯
    In otherwords it is quite rare to find a hotel bar that does NOT have whores harrassing you when you want a quite beer !
    This has now changed the atomosphere over there 😕 The Air hostsess’s hotel is now way out in the outback for fear of being harrassed by blokes thinking they TOO are whores.
    So Basically if a women smiles at you overthere in a bar it’s 99 % certain she is a whore !
    It’s a real shame !
    Try Harvesters when you go there. That used to be a decent place to drink eat and party. It’s a little bit out of the way by Taxi but worth it if you do not want the Whore thing.


    Just met 2 guys here who came back from Egypt job , said it was like working in a toilet , cabins filthy , no sleep as arabs were barging in all night , food terrible , et etc .
    So they are right happy to be in Teesport now , from one shithole to another.

    Ray Shields

    Just met 2 guys here who came back from Egypt job , said it was like working in a toilet , cabins filthy , no sleep as arabs were barging in all night , food terrible , et etc .
    So they are right happy to be in Teesport now , from one shithole to another.

    They must have been working on the Scarabeo 6 LoL!

    James McLauchlan

    Just met 2 guys here who came back from Egypt job , said it was like working in a toilet , cabins filthy , no sleep as arabs were barging in all night , food terrible , et etc .
    So they are right happy to be in Teesport now , from one shithole to another.

    They must have been working on the Scarabeo 6 LoL!

    Scabby 6. Been there… that is a real dive! It’s well off my list of work places I find acceptable.



    what gives you the right to slag off my home town, i find your remarks rather offensive when you mention Middlesbrough in the same context as Egypt.

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