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Whats working in Middle east like?

Home Forums General General Board Whats working in Middle east like?

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  • #18328
    James McLauchlan


    what gives you the right to slag off my home town, i find your remarks rather offensive when you mention Middlesbrough in the same context as Egypt.

    What’s the world coming to if you can’t comment on whether an area of the world is cr*p or not. It’s only the perceived view of an individual which any other person is quite free to counter, via discussion in this forum, rather than get all up in the air about it.

    The person has every right in the world to say what he wants about any area of this planet. Of course if it degenerates into personal abuse that is another matter.

    The poster most likely didn’t know it was your home town so the comment was probably not directed at you nor written to cause offence to you in person. The poster may be equally unaware that there is the odd Egyptian that visits this Forum from time to time who may also feel that they have been offended.

    What can’t be disputed is if an area is average (for want of a better word) it doesn’t matter if an individual reading this Forum comes from that place or not.. it’s still average and if stated as such then it’s fair comment.

    Although I am somewhat confused what a town in the UK has to do with the Topic title, which is about discussing working in the Middle East.



    what gives you the right to slag off my home town, i find your remarks rather offensive when you mention Middlesbrough in the same context as Egypt.

    Cant you take a joke mate….! Middies not so bad , got some decent folk around here. 🙄

    Andy Shiers

    Middlesbrough has cleaned up a bit now so it cannot be classed in the same poll position as Eygpt.
    And they keep their lights on in the dark 🙂
    Plus the roads are better 😀


    Middlesbrough today is not as rough and mad arse as it wa in the 80s ,its cleaned up a lot ,but certain areas still have inner city blight.


    Hey Liddle

    Have you ever been to Boro and if so when was the last time you where there?
    Be interesting to know where you reside?


    lost one
    the roads are only marginally better than Egypt, its also a good job the street lights are on all night my garage is wired into one. 😆


    Hi Mate,
    Some Personnel we hire in Middle East are from Middle East too salary rates lower than the UK , Canada , Australia rates

    Thanks Mate,
    Subsea Services Ltd.

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