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Who certifies the Training school assessors !

Home Forums General General Board Who certifies the Training school assessors !

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  • #1945
    Andy Shiers

    An interesting thought , don’t you think ?
    How did the Lecturer in the ROV School get his stripes ?
    Did he go to a University to get his ROV teachers qualifications ?
    How did IMCA grade his/Her teaching attributes ?
    Everyway I think about it ……………. It just smells of money grabbing Barstewards who don’t give a toss about the standards of our industry just get the niave through the door and lets make profit ! 😯
    A bit like the Hanger-on’s called C.W.I.P.
    70% of the courses had absolutley NO use to the Diver in the water doing his NDT or MPI !


    Good point.

    Very few instructors/lecturers have actual offshore ROV experience and similarly, most lack some form of formal qualification in presenting outcomes-based or vocational training and a formal qualification allowing them to be assessors for NVQ-type training or training presented to a formal outcomes-based curriculum.

    This is another question to be asked and followed up on and would be addressed if IMCA, on being prompted by industry, were to audit training schools for ROV like those for diver training. If this were done, maybe the course certs would be worth something.

    Having said this, some instructors/lecturers are both qualified as required and have experience offshore WITH ROV WORK (in caps to high-light another issue of relevant offshore experience) and the school does go to lengths to ensure the courses are worth something. We will truly only know which ones once IMCA/industry starts regulating and naming and shaming. I say this because I dont want to throw the kid out with the bathwater, but something has to be done about the present situation, it is really getting bad and is been treated like a family secret instead of being put in the open and dealt with bu those who can.

    Our industry needs new people who are of the right background and character to do the work and come into the system, but we dont need more no-hopers who are out of pocket on a promise and a dream.

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