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Who is the STR Group?

Home Forums General General Board Who is the STR Group?

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    Anybody out there who has actually had work through this group? I have so many promises and no followups that I began to question who exactly is/are the str group. Are they just one of the new agencies collecting CVs?


    Good question Piper, I’m also looking forward to hearing from anyone with any experiences with them.

    Any info guys? ❓

    James McLauchlan

    Sorry, no personal experience but here is a link:


    Not sure if they are new or not, but they are certainly not a specialist Offshore type agency.


    Thanks James.

    Anybody actually worked offshore (Or at this stage know anyone who has) for / via STR?


    i accepted a job in the UK from them. pay is good. only a short job but it keeps me busy between longterm work. they also pay weekly if you want. i will tell more after the job and i see how everything works out.



    Nice one Mud.

    Have a good trip and let us know how you get on!



    I think this company contacted me a few weeks ago to ask about the ROV market. They told me they were going to work in a new way to get customers the ROV people that the client wanted, not just someone that was available. They sounded more like a head hunting company to me. The guy i spoke to admitted that their background was not offshore, and indeed the neerest to experience that they had was that one of the senior managemenet is related to an ops manager in the ROV trenching market, but he did not think the offshore market would be any more difficult to break in to than any other.


    Before getting on this job with’em, I do get couple of job offer from STR but no firm answers. My first hitch & still on a job via STR. Everything’s been smooth so far. Clive has been great help throughout travel period. Payment has been prompt, should everything went well, pay comes in early following week. Small bank charges jus tlike any other bodyshops I know. What else can I ask for?? Better off than some agencies whom have slacken off alot of services for the offshore lads.


    Two of my friend work for them right now…..feedback like payment and "assistance" seems to be good so far…hoping to hook up with them in the near future….


    Had a job offer from Sonsub-Saipam. They don,t do direct contracts with the day raters, was referred to Sub Serv Pro, STR Group was also mentioned as a possible agency.

    But so far no direct experience.

    James Hamby

    No problems at all.Everyone in the str staff is great and prompt to help.
    they sent me straight to work in a hurry and have helped out aloy


    Only thing I found was that they wanted loads of paperwork filled in.

    I sent my CV and an XL doc with all my previous jobs – they then wanted the job experience in word – I suggested that they convert it as I was busy and heard nothing since so I guess they are making so much money they dont need anyone else.

    Maybe just caught them on a bad day – all the other agencies have my stuff in XL and keep me busy.

    In fairness have heard nothing bad about them, have spoke to Clive a couple of times and he seems OK.



    Hello guys.
    I started working with them in June and I have always found something.
    I have spoken, in particular, with Clive, an exceptional person.
    Agency which will go forward.


    Toni Morgan

    Promise of jobs but nothing is my experience.


    Hay guys,
    I feel And think that STR jobs throw other agencies famous ones and every one knows the names.
    Cheers guys

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