Home Forums General General Board Why do people not give their details with negative posts

Why do people not give their details with negative posts

Home Forums General General Board Why do people not give their details with negative posts

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    Gordon Duncan

    When people are writing negative about ROV companies why do they not give there details so that there are automaticly blacklisted by these companies.

    They are not afraid to write bad about companies when not having there name and contact details.

    I wonder why. 🙄

    James you should know better. You should know that certain things people write can affect there and inadvertantly other peoples careers by mistake. As they say James people do not forget.

    Why do we not have a poll to decide what ROV people think?


    I agree with this also, comments are obviously good for all if kept in perspective and most importantly factual. Too easy for the usual innacurate bullshitters to make statements while telling you how many millions of years they have been working which by the way doesnt automatically make you any better than the guy with 5years.

    When you make comments on companies please stop and think about those who are working at the company you are typing crap about. Some of the employees who will read this are not like the mass on here that dont actually go offshore for moneey or need to work for peanuts ( my ass) some of these folks have the big mortgage, kids , car etc etc. Silly rumours can cause undeserved damage, loose lips and all that. Apart from us heroeos that pay everybody in the worlds salaries in the office, there are storemen, techs, admin and on and on who do get paid peanuts and live with that choice.

    There is a very difficult period ahead for a lot of companies, there is work, not as much as the last few years but enough for all. The problem is evident already with much lower rates pressed by our very own majors. Vessel rates have already halved for AHT’s .Contractors are being brought into the majors offices and told what the rates are going to be if they want to win the contracts. Its all set from the top and it feeds its way down.

    Oh and we cannot compare ourselves to the divers, as much as i hate to admit it the divers are or can assemble a united front and look out for one another. Secondly they get paid the money they deserve because their job is crap, dangerous, will affect their health and they have a lot more responsibility for safety towards others and the equipment. We are not exposed to the same health or mortality risk as divers thats just a simple fact so thats why they get paid more ( eventually).

    Think of the folks that have the weekly grind of making ends meet before typing, thats all.

    Gordon Duncan

    digitellus, I agree with you also. As you say many people have a morgage an kids to support, they need the money comming in every month. There will never be an ROV union when ROV boys bitch amoungst each other. Also the ones that think they are big by posting bad comments about companies and personnel and not leaving there contact details are a waste of time and this needs to be stopped to create a union.

    In many countries (Including the law of Thailand James) the administrator can be held fully accountable of any postings on his site, both in civil and criminal Law.

    Gordon Duncan


    When you read this post this is not aimed at you. I realise it can sometimes be difficult to monitor all posts. However can you post your opinion on this subject, it maybe helpful for others writting in this forum.

    It has been a long time since we worked together. I take it you are doing well still. Take care of yourself.



    All things I have said in the passed on this forum can be supported and have no need to bullshit people .

    I can if required supply full proof to support my claims but just fed up with the silly rates on offer and for companys that can take up to 10 months to pay .

    Sounds like someone is worried about the truth .As for who I am it matters not but James is fully aware who I am .



    Gordon Duncan

    If a company takes 10 months to pay, which I have heard of before then this information is usefull for other ROV people. These type of companies you would not require you to give your details as you are you are not slagging of a good company just for the hell of it.

    If a company did not pay me for 10 months I would give my name as I would never want to work for them again. Also it is better that people know. However If you are not paid because of some reason regarding work e.g. you were incompetant and lost a U$1,000,000 ROV because you did not know what you were doing or you were in a punchup offshore and they ran you off( which the company has to bear the cost and deduct from your wages) an then started slagging the company then this would be different.

    There are two sids to every story.

    People shouldnot just slag off companies or particular contracts without giving a valid reason .


    Please see attached; safety msds for one set of rose tinted safety goggles !


    James McLauchlan

    When people are writing negative about ROV companies why do they not give there details so that there are automaticly blacklisted by these companies.

    There are some of us around here that do give their names, which is why you can call me James in this Forum.
    There are others that wish to remain relatively anonymous behind a username. Here at ROVworld.com we respect both approaches.

    James you should know better. You should know that certain things people write can affect there and inadvertantly other peoples careers by mistake. As they say James people do not forget.

    Oops…. looks like someone is trying to tick me off!
    I should know better what? Are you saying that I have stepped over the mark or something?
    I will add that I, nor anyone else running this site, is going to start policing comments being made to any level other than our posting guidelines suggest.

    In a nutshell
    Keep peoples personal names out of discussions on the Forum. That goes for anyone, whether they be onshore company management, PTs etc.
    The one exception in the lost contact section, for obvious reasons.
    Company names can be posted and those companies activities debated but, when referring to employees, use appointed positions within that company not personal names.

    Binging out the shortcomings of companies and of course the positive points, are but two of the ways of levelling the plaything field for the individual person/contractor.

    If a company is behaving badly then that needs to be highlighted somewhere on this planet, just as newspapers highlight the errors of politicians, and the same way TV tells tells the masses about other wrong doings in this world.

    If they are being really nice… then the same should apply.

    Our is such a niche market that we’d never get the benefit of the media doing the job for us so we have to do it ourselves.

    Often Newspaper and TV reports are unconfirmed and it is up to the end user to decide what they wish to believe or not. That same could said to be true here.

    I’m not sure what Scorpion33 is trying to say here. It appears that his concern is that words have been written in this Forum which somehow are affecting his life to the point where he has posted a warning to me…. saying that the owner of the site is responsible for all content posted.

    In many countries (Including the law of Thailand James) the administrator can be held fully accountable of any postings on his site, both in civil and criminal Law.

    In one form or another we have been running this site since 2000! Believe me, we have had our fair share of pissed off companies sending us emails and PM’s about how ROVworld is upsetting their cosy little world and could we desist. Often these requests are accompanied by thinly veiled threats of legal action.
    Equally as often they are either advised to desists or ignored.

    Too many times, over the years, have I seen various companies acting like control freaks pulling all kinds of nasty tricks, doing deals behind peoples backs, cheating, lying to clients and employees, firing people because they happen not agree with proceeding even though company stated safety regs are being breached, and half the time nobody ever gets to hear about it. They do all this to make maximum profit for their shareholders, not to keep employees and agancy people happy. After all they are not running charities are they?

    So, when a company is screwing people it needs to be highlighted. The option for people to post such information anonymously needs to be kept alive and well. Whether the information in 100% or partially true is not a major issue.


    Because this is an open Forum and a company representative is more than free to join, add all their information, name, company, contact number etc (as suggest above) and redress the balance.

    Of course I wouldn’t put it past a company to ask an existing Forum member to post on their behalf, anonymously.

    Actually for this thread to have come about in the first instance makes me suspect that somewhere in this Forum there must be one or two posts that have hit the mark somewhere.

    James McLauchlan

    Please see attached; safety msds for one set of rose tinted safety goggles !


    Good point! :tup:

    Gordon Duncan

    Well done James. I remember working for you before and you were a very easy person to get on with.

    I agree that a lot of companies are known to treat there people bad and they do not relise how to speak to there employees. I have also worked on jobs where companies have not paid them for three month and always given excuses why they have not been paid. Things like this need to be said in this forums to give a warning to others who might fall into the same trap. I have also seen good ROV people go offshore on salary and only get U$400/ day and they are more than qualified but scared to speak.

    Your forum is good because it can give a broad perspective from various people in the industry. I have also seen your posts on the Union idea and as you know back in the 1980’s many ROV people were in a union(RMT) and it is a good idea. The time the rov people start join the union things might change for the better.

    Also I am not trying to make a gripe at you. Yourself in the old days was a good guy to get along with ad very good at your job.

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