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Wise words

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  • #2343
    Bill Bulloch

    Wise words!

    “There is hardly anything in this world that somebody
    cannot do a little bit worse and sell at a lower price.
    People who are dictated by price are easy
    prey for these machinations.
    It is imprudent to pay too much but it is worse to pay
    too little. When you pay too little, sometimes you loose
    everything since the object you have bought cannot fulfill
    the task it has been set. According to the law of economy
    it is not possible to acquire high value with little money.
    Accept the lowest offer and you take the risk that
    you may need to incur extra costs.
    If this is the case then you also have enough
    money to pay for something better”.
    (K. Ruskin, English social reformer 1819 -1900)

    Andy Shiers

    And I wonder what he would have to say .
    Sitting in an Orifice about the world today ,
    This reformed Character with the initial K !
    The growth in economics and technology may …………………….
    Go right out of his fu#!ing head 😆

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