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Woodside project may be delayed: analysts

Home Forums General General Board Woodside project may be delayed: analysts

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  • #1866
    James McLauchlan

    Admin note:
    Originally submittted as News by Redherring, but transferred to the Forum to open the debate.

    Hi guys, is the below mentioned story indicative of the upcoming state?

    I don’t want to be -ve, but should we be tightening our belts for a little while?

    What’s the state of other upcoming projects elsewhere?



    Some more news on a possible downturn.



    This is what Douglas-Westwood says in World ROV Market Report 2008-2012

    Building on previous versions of the popular World ROV Report, this new edition from industry analysts Douglas-Westwood forecasts a significant increase in work-class activity over the next five years.

    More about this report later in the News section.


    should resolve to pay off that mortgage over buying the carerra. 😯

    There’s always nigeria !! 😆


    Gas projects off the coast of Western Australia aren’t really indicative of the general market. The local government wants a certain percentage of production saved for local consumption and to guarantee local supplies into the future. The oil companies want to sell it all to China, Japan, etc to maximise short term profits. So the oil companies threaten to stall or not proceed with big developments, with subsequent job losses, and tax and royalty losses for government, to try to get their own way.
    Just my opinion, BTW.


    I dont think good P/Ts or good supervisors need worry, not for the foreseeable future, saying that, i am keeping my current car and Not buying the new M3 i had planned on.
    I would rather have 55k in the bank……….. just in case 🙁


    best keep it in two accounts in separate banks — also ensure they aren’t owned by the same group or you’re not covered 100% !


    Hahahah.. Jasus… A little bump and already bumholes are puckering…

    Talk about worry worts and lack of self esteem.

    If you are any good at your job, have experience and don’t mnd travelling there’s nothing to worry about girls..

    If you’re a hopeless chancer and only want to work a quick chopper ride from home you might have to do some soul searching..

    After 20 years in the game I can honestly say I have never been short of work… even during so called down turns It’s the I’ll be out of a job ‘Oh what about my mortgage attitude that keeps the pay rises low and the bullshit quotant from the office high… Have some confidence and say hell no once in a while.. I can guarantee you that they need us more than we need them… The truth is no matter what some shiny arse in an office thinks.. You can’t create decent ROV guys overnight… experience counts and during a downturn the companies would rather send 3 Supv’s out on a job then tell two Sup’s that they don’t have any work.. If you’re a trainee it may be a differnt story .. but if you are good there will still be work… Why guys with 5+ years in the game are poopin theirselves I don’t know.. Why not take a couple of Months off… It’s fun to hear the shock from the office/agency when you say you don’t fancy working for a while.. Man up and take control !


    Hahahah.. Jasus… A little bump and already bumholes are puckering…

    Talk about worry worts and lack of self esteem.

    If you are any good at your job, have experience and don’t mnd travelling there’s nothing to worry about girls..

    If you’re a hopeless chancer and only want to work a quick chopper ride from home you might have to do some soul searching..

    After 20 years in the game I can honestly say I have never been short of work… even during so called down turns It’s the I’ll be out of a job ‘Oh what about my mortgage attitude that keeps the pay rises low and the bullshit quotant from the office high… Have some confidence and so hell no once in a while.. I can guarantee you that they need us more than we need them… The truth is no matter what some shiny arse in an office thinks.. You can’t create decent ROV guys overnight… experience counts and during a downturn the companies would rather send 3 Supv’s out on a job then tell two Sup’s that they don’t have any work.. If you’re a trainee it may be a differnt story .. but if you are good there will still be work… Why guys with 5+ years in the game are poopin theirselves I don’t know.. Why not take a couple of Months off… It’s fun to hear the shock from the office/agency when you say you don’t fancy working for a while.. Man up and take control !

    My thoughts exactly DJansen! Well written, and a post similar to what I was going to post yesterday. No way will my rate drop.

    6 year ROV ET – with a 10 year trade background prior to joining the ROV Industry – capable of piloting, operating the arm, and fixing, but no problem being a winch bitch or operating the tea bat!

    Some house cleaning in this industry may be in order!

    Scott Beveridge

    Yes indeed ladies and germs! The last 2 posts state the obvious. Money doesn’t grow on trees and all that rubbish. Get your ducks in a row and you won’t have the problem of "Being out of a job"…. "Looking for work". 28 years in this (sometimes) volatile business and had 6 slow or bad years. Like Djan said…. take some time off to spend it with your families and get a side business started – lots of guys have… As far as credit goes… just read the news and start a new home budget book.


    Roger on that one Scott 😀


    Roger on that one Scott 😀


    I personally am not bothered that much, as i said i am just not buying a new car, to be honest if i wanted it that much i would have it and worry about it l8r, as i am in the very fortunate position of having a tiny mortgage, No wife (any more) and no, she did not clean me out when we split! and no kids, so if it came to it i could survive on very little.

    but i think some of the new " Top Guns " who have fallen in to the trap of new house, fast car , big spending ect will be the first to face the chop as us old dinosaurs will just keep plodding on , and on , and on……..

    PS, I am very old at 45!!

    Scott Beveridge


    Phaah, 45 yrs. old!! You’re good for another 15!!

    Yeah, remember the divers in their hayday (mid to late 70’s) with all the massive pay and then the industry fizzled out? Lot’s of divorces, repos, and bankrupcies….

    And on, and on but not too much longer (hope my teenage daughter reads this part…!)

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