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Working in the United Arab Emirates!!

Home Forums General General Board Working in the United Arab Emirates!!

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    Craig Conrad

    Can any members help me out with some info on working in the United Arab Emirates for Fugro!! Things heard or personal accounts!! This would help out alot!! 😆

    Andy Shiers

    Where are you next thinking of going to work Metric ? Norway ?


    i take it you are deciding whether to take up an offer to work out there? well i used to work for them with survey, and it was always a case of asking and not receiving. They are part of a big corpration and the bottom line is the $. And in their case, mainly due to the accountants and managemnets attitude to field staff, we get stung. Bonus’s go missing and never reach their recepient, treated like a sheep on the back of a semi-trailer from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave. Most, if not all of the westerners who worked for the company have left in the last few years (me included). Dosnt seem to phase them as they are happy to replace you with cheaper labour from the less developed parts of the world. I have since gone freelance and have never looked back, especially since the price of oil maxing out the way it is. Its not all bad however, cos the experience is gold, but for my part, leaving was the best move i could have done after my time there. feel free to drop anymore specific questions you might have.


    I did a couple of trips with them as a trainee, and it didn’t work out. Was put on a 2 man crew on a system with no remote!! Guess who didn’t even see the sticks. They run quite light on staff too, so changeovers may get delayed, and they use a lot of agency guys to fill in.
    There are the usual tax free perks, but from others I met out there, it’s not the best paid, and conditions ain’t the best.
    But hey, I’m just a newkid so what do I know(before anyone else says it for me!)
    Hope this helps.

    Craig Conrad

    Hey guys thanks for the input!! They low balled me anyways which is on par for what I’ve been hearing. I have a full time job with regular rotation so its going to have to be a pretty solid offer for me to leave. The only problem is I am rotting on drill support and want to get back to vessel work, construction, inspection etc. which I did for 2 years. I’ve been trying with Acergy but they seem to only want people with 100 years experience and my 5 years is no good? Weird, the only thing I can think is that they have an awesome pool of cheep labour.

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