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    Hi to all bros, here.. can i know how is the working condition of an ROV pilot?? is it like 6 months work and 6 months become free?

    Scott Beveridge

    Hi to all bros, here.. can i know how is the working condition of an ROV pilot?? is it like 6 months work and 6 months become free?


    Most of the time it’s 3 to 6 weeks on and 3 to 6 weeks off. It depends upon many factors, of course. What company, contract, liability obligations, etc. Read on in this forum… There’s a lot of info here.


    oh ok.. thanks.. how bout the payment??

    i am a malaysia citizen.. currently taking a level.. would like to go into this industry.. i plan to go to philippines to take the ROV pilot course.. is it easy to find a job after i finish my 3 weeks course from there??? how bout the payment?? thanks..

    p/s i am veri new to this industry.. please assist me..

    Scott Beveridge

    oh ok.. thanks.. how bout the payment??

    i am a malaysia citizen.. currently taking a level.. would like to go into this industry.. i plan to go to philippines to take the ROV pilot course.. is it easy to find a job after i finish my 3 weeks course from there??? how bout the payment?? thanks..

    p/s i am veri new to this industry.. please assist me..

    As I said, read on in this forum, check the numerous links and threads concerning every question you have just asked. It’s ALL in here. Spend a day reading, take notes, and make your own decisions…


    oh.. alright.. if u guys got anything to share wif me.. plz do tell me.. thanks thanks

    Scott Beveridge

    oh.. alright.. if u guys got anything to share wif me.. plz do tell me.. thanks thanks

    Son, if you’re going to work in this industry you’ve got to realise that you and only you are going to help yourself. We are self-sustaining adults here and either don’t have the time to hold a trainees hand constantly or don’t have the patience anymore. Now get reading the WHOLE forum – trust me there are hundreds of threads of information. Another good source would be Rons ROV links. Actually doing your own research is like working init? If you can’t do your own research what do you think us seniors will think? Ummmm… you don’t want to work or get your hands dirty. Think about it.


    ok. thanks for your advice.. i am doing my work now…

    Donnie Cameron


    Black Dog


    Scott Beveridge

    Well said, Mr. Scotbeve! 😀

    I have found quite a few trainees of late, that just want you to wave ‘the magic spanner (wrench)’ over their heads to impart your knowledge into them. 😕

    Yeah, too true init?


    On the other hand a few ex-forces technical guys (petty officers & chief techs), have been good & willing to learn, but have left the company due to having the same sh$t wages as the ‘other’ trainees and their gained ex-forces technical knowledge ‘throw to the winds’! Sad! 🙁

    It’s called self-discipline and a normal attribute one learns (whether they want to or not) whilst in the services.

    The evaluation system on guys just seems to be ignored! I have seen a particularly bad guy get promoted because ‘we are short of guys’. 👿

    Three months probation system used by companies is not enough. In that three months the guy could do just one trip offshore and that could just be a ‘busy trip’ where the trainee is just left in the background and no time to check him out!

    Six months probation for ALL new starts (experienced & trainee) with a company is needed I feel. And as I am thinking about leaving ‘ROV company 2’, that includes me with 20 years ROV experience.

    It took me about six months in Taylor Diving & Salvage Inc. to get my hands on flying time. And after 4 years to become a supervisor. A couple of years after that to become a supt. There’s no silver platters on my watch!!

    And here I am 27 years later (oh boy!!) during the biggest boom in the history of the ROV industry and… and…. well, what do we expect? The bottom line is the deciding factor here. I suppose it’s just a matter of biting thy tongue and grinning and bearing it as we have during all those skint times…


    Thing I found in the RN was a lot of the technical guys in the Fwd part of the subs anyway did very little in the way of cleaning and the menial tasks due to having WEM’s and OM’s to do it all for them.

    Also they were pushed through the ranks faster than the slightly less technical ratings. This leads to an attitude issue when being asked to be a trainee because they have bi-passed a lot of the bu*****t which most of the junior rates have had to put up with for years.

    When it comes to recruiting and it was my decision I would take a leading hand stoker over a chief artificer any day of the week.

    And as for EX-Army officers well do not get me started on them……….

    The only advantage you get from using military guys is they are generally used to long times away from home and crap conditions when they are there oh sorry that was not including the RAF they are used to long times away from home with a couple of stewards to wipe there backsides.

    OK Rant finished.

    Scott Beveridge


    I joined the USMC JUST after the VN war. Had to go for all the sign-up bonuses and course completion bonuses (blew all my money prior to joining on "party hearty" / couldn’t finish paying for uni…). And because of the very obvious lack of people joining there were no rank advancements! Was in the Jolly Green Giant (HMH) avionics air crew… Was stuck at a grade I couldn’t get out of and walking back and forth from the avionics shop to the flight line about 20 mi. / day… Ahhh, The Floppy Wings days 🙄

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