Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Acronym–PRS….any ideas?

Acronym–PRS….any ideas?

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Acronym–PRS….any ideas?

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    Anyone know what the acronym PRS stands for when it comes to ROV’s.
    Its high voltage (2400V) . In context it was PRS Skid. Its off an SCV circuit diagram.
    Cheers šŸ˜•


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    Acronym Definition
    PRS Packet Ring Switch (Alcatel)
    PRS Packet Routing Switch (IBM)
    PRS Pairs (shoe industry)
    PRS Pakistani Rupee (national currency)
    PRS Pallet Repair Systems, Inc
    PRS Parakeet Response Syndrome
    PRS Parallel-Resonance Screen
    PRS Parry-Romberg Syndrome
    PRS Parti Radical Socialiste (French: Radical Socialist Party)
    PRS Partial-Response Signaling
    PRS Partially Reflecting Surface
    PRS Partido de La RevoluciĆ³n SalvadoreƱa (El Salvador)
    PRS Partido para a RenovaƧao Social (Portuguese: Social Renovation Party, Guinea-Bissau)
    PRS Partnership (IRB)
    PRS Passenger Reservation System (Indian Railways)
    PRS Passive Radar Surveillance
    PRS Pattern-Recognition System
    PRS Paul Reed Smith (Guitar Brand)
    PRS Paul Revere Society
    PRS Payload Retention System
    PRS Pennsylvania Radiological Society
    PRS Penske Racing South
    PRS Performance Requirements Summary/Survey
    PRS Performance Review Standards
    PRS Performance-Related Specification
    PRS Performing Rights Society (UK)
    PRS Personal Radio Service
    PRS Pesticides Registration Section (United Kingdom)
    PRS Phase Reference Symbol
    PRS Pierre Robin Sequence (birth defect)
    PRS Pilot Rating Summary
    PRS Planning Reference Station (ITU-T)
    PRS Plant Root Simulator
    PRS Platform Requirements Specification (iSMART)
    PRS Polski Rejestr Statkow (Polish Register of Shipping)
    PRS Portable Radar Simulator
    PRS Ports Refurbishment System
    PRS Poseidon Radar Simulator
    PRS Potential Release Site
    PRS Poverty Reduction Strategy
    PRS Power Radio Service
    PRS Premier Reference Series (Pioneer/Premier technology)
    PRS Premium Rate Services (Telecoms)
    PRS President of the Royal Society
    PRS Pressure Reduction Station
    PRS Pressure Refueling Systems
    PRS Prieto X-Linked Mental Retardation Syndrome
    PRS Primary Reference Source (Telcom Solutions)
    PRS Primary Replication Server
    PRS Primary Resistance Starting
    PRS Printer (File Name Extension)
    PRS Problem Resolution System
    PRS Product Recovery System
    PRS Product Release Schedule
    PRS Product Repair Service
    PRS Product Requirement Specification
    PRS Production Readiness Strategy
    PRS Production Representative System (government contracting)
    PRS Professional Rehabilitative Services
    PRS Program Reservation System
    PRS Progress Review and Status Report
    PRS Project Requirement Sheet
    PRS Project Requirement Specification
    PRS Property Repayment System
    PRS Propulsion Requirements System
    PRS Prosthetics Research Specialists
    PRS Protocol Review Subcommittees
    PRS Provide Repair Service
    PRS Provider Reporting System (Australia)
    PRS Provisioning Requirements Schedule/Statement
    PRS Pseudo-Random Sequence
    PRS Pull Rope Switch

    Take your pick mate


    Sorry mate, non seem to fit, cheers anyway. I think it’s some type of tooling. ?!


    Could b Pipeline Repair System but 2400V seems more like motor.


    Yea, i found that one too, could also be Pipe Racking System……….


    It’s the Statoil Pipeline Repair System. Was designed to fit a dual HPU Triton and uses one of a Triton’s HPU circuits to run the motors on it. Hence the 2400V.
    Pain in the arse to fit to a single HPU ROV


    Cheers for the help! šŸ˜€


    PRS – Pipeline Repair Skid, XL21 or SCV25 (i think) Semi 2 2000


    PRS = Perverted Retarded Supervisor ….its so obvious !

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