Hello All,
First of all I’m really glad to have found this website. I’ve been searching for info about ROVs for a while now, but haven’t found anything like this place.
I’m thinking of starting a career in the field of ROVs. I’m a fresh Electronics Engineer with no offshore experience whatsoever. "ROV pilot technician" seems like a very rewarding job, anyway I’ve got some questions for you guys since I have almost no idea about the subject.
1) What do you think is the most suitable place for an electronics engineer, in the field of ROVs ?
2) I’m quoting this from the FAQ:
Degrees are not particularly helpful, as it is thought that there is not enough practical experience gained (someone who had a Degree in Engineering – "he could tell you the square root of an orange but he couldn’t peel it").
I think that the statement about the Orange doesn’t really describe me. I’m very good when it comes to hands-on work, be it electronics or mechanical. I don’t have formal experience however, just lots of DIY projects and stuff.
Okay so does this basically mean that I shouldn’t bother trying ?
3) I’m an Egyptian national. That’s why I’m mainly limiting my options to the middle east (especially UAE). It’s not that I don’t want to work in Europe or the US, but I don’t think that they would even consider me for the job, because of the work permit and Visa requirements. Any Idea ?
4) Is it a must that I take the ROV courses before applying ?
I’d really appreciate your opinions on this matter. Thanks guys.