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Transition from drill support to construction

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Transition from drill support to construction

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    Being new to the industry (2 years) does any one have and pointers or things to be aware of, for someone who is making the change to construction after being stuck on drill rigs.

    Jason Garic

    Vessel or barge based? Damage to the ROV is more frequent and severe. Piloting skills requirements are tested constantly. Available maintenance time is dramatically less than rig support. You’re usually cramming all required/scheduled maintenance in transit between jobs. Keep yourself busy.

    Unfortunately, noone will probably want to hear about what you experienced on rig support. Keep positive and eager to learn the operations.

    Construction work has made good operators great; and, exposed alot of over-hyped wanna-be’s.

    You’ll learn alot.

    Good luck.


    Most people from the drill support side don’t like the fact that you have to work 12 hours a day 7 days a week on construction or survey work.
    Unlike your drill support mode of a dive 2 or 3 times a week.
    Not saying you will be one of them but be warned it isn’t as easy as drill support and like Skinny me says you don’t get 2 or 3 days to fix it. More like 2 or 3 hours then you have the dick head of a client or some jumped up bridge supervisor or what ever there fancy title is on this trip breathing down your neck saying, How long are going to be, is it fixed yet, when can we go back in the water etc etc etc. Enjoy the change over. πŸ˜€


    Thanks for the response boys. I kind of expected that. Got to say that I am looking forward to the faster pace as it can be a bit mundane on the drill side compared to my job before I was offshore. Let’s hope I can handle the flying, which apart from regular drill op I have only experienced completion work. πŸ˜•

    Black Dog



    Black dog

    Thanks for the technical insight. I am familiar with the slave arm menu formats on the schilling conan and T4 with the coffee cup holder, so I should be able to lock the jaw on the T3 after a trip or too πŸ˜›

    I have done deep water completions at 3000m which is where I got a wee shotty of the T4 along with a few tooling packages like the jupiter valve pack used in conjunction with the improv multi class torque tool etc etc

    I understand drill ops gets a bad rap due to some bad apples but i am also aware that ALL the boys on the construction side are not super stars either.

    Like it was mentioned team work is vital


    All very true , Construction and Survey work is very intense , often 12 hours non stop , problem solving , servicing or flying,

    My present job is rig support and it is much more relaxed but often boring and less challenging.

    Gives me time to study manuals etc .


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