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SmartWire Metrology

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions SmartWire Metrology

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    Anyone ever used this equipment ?
    Used to be supplied from a company called Deep Water Solutions in conjunction with a Norwegian University I believe.
    Am going to be doing some 24" spoolpiece fabrication and metrology in 1500msw.
    Is the SmartWire system an accurate, easy to use system or would I be better going for another method ?

    Any advise appreciated.


    Hi Horris, have used this setup a number of times. It works really well. Not alot to it. There will be a "porch" that is fastened to the front of the rov. This is where the two receptacles are located. One holds an Anchor"so its called" and the other holds the measurement post. There is a winch with aircraft cable on it, this is tensioned up after the anchor is placed in the receptacle on the tree and the measurement post is placed in the receptacle on the Prod Man. Wire goes from anchor to measurement post thru a guide sheave. Two 120vac power sources need on the vehicle and 1 data(232/485) also needed. This is all controlled by software on a laptop. Not that hard. Usually gets interesting at so point along the way. Hope this helps.


    how long are you anticipating the spool piece to be…… if it’s under 15m-20m??


    Hi, Spoolpiece is estimated to be anywhere from 10m to 50m !
    The info was needed for a tender project for some work out in India.
    Tender has now gone in with an option using Mk5 Transponders and Gyros as well as an option using Smartwire system.
    Have to get more in depth with it if we get the contract !


    Alright there,

    What you working on down in India? Anything to with the Reliance set up?


    Working on a tender for MA-D6 Reliance work for Acergy… Should be fun if we get it, risers, umbilicals, spoolpieces, FPSO buoys an all…


    Yeah, fun & games mate. Hope you like curry though as there’s not much else to eat in Kakinada!! Was just wandering if you were in the area as always good to meet other’s for a beer as there’s not too many of us!!

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