Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Most relevant courses for the job?

Most relevant courses for the job?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Most relevant courses for the job?

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    Hi to everyone. Im new to the site so bare with me if this is a common question. Firstly I will say that after serving 6 years in the RAF as a weapons tech I am very interested in a career offshore, and having heard and read so much about the ROV side, this would be my first choice by far.
    I realise that qualifications play a huge part in the selection process and for good reason. I have an NVQ in aircraft engineering and a BTEC for my efforts in the military. However I dont have a huge electrical background (i did a fair amount during training, but most of my current job is technical, working with ejection seats and missiles etc) and my knowledge of hydraulics is limited 😯 . Therefore I was looking for advice on which courses to do before applying. I have looked into HNCs and NVQs in Electrical engineering and Electronics. Are there any others that would be especially usefull, for example in hydraulics etc ❓ I realise that any of these would help, however I dont have the time or money to do loads of courses, maybee just one or two at a push. Also what chance is there of getting a job with what I already have, and should I apply whilst still completing a course? To be honest, due to the lack of cash Id be hoping to be trained by the company should I be lucky enough to land a job.

    Cheers for reading

    Ray Shields

    The training that companies supply are on the equipment, not on to become a technician or engineer.

    As long as you have people with more experience and qualifications than you applying for jobs, you will always be below them Im afraid.

    NVQ/SVQs would be the way ahead, if you cant afford it/have the time, decide which route you would be happiest going down – electrical/electronics or mechanical/hydraulics as basically you will have to fit into one of those whne you work offshore.

    Then do the NVQ/SVQ for that route.

    If you haven’t already done so, have a read through the FAQs on the subject on here (link over on the left hand side to FAQs.


    Cheers for the advice.

    By that do you mean an NVQ would be more appealing to an employer than an HNC? Also I was under the impression that both electrical and Hydraulic qualifications were greatly appreciated in the ROV world, is this true? I realise that the companies training would be on equipment type and feel I have the experience and ability as a technician to be a suitible candidate.I just want to further my chances of selection by gaining a couple of qualifications whilst I have the free time before I leave the RAF.


    Ray Shields

    Both electrics and hydraulics are ideal but as you said you didnt have the time/money I would pick one side or the other to come down on and do.

    HNC would be good, but with your experience and NVQ/SVQ would probably suffice for the academic qualifications. HNCs take a couple of years dont they? (a while since I did one!)


    I did a Hydraulics course with Tech Training Solutions (google it!)
    Its not going to make you the Guru…however it was a reasonably priced course and one to one tuition and its C&G and Amicus certification..its only a week out of your resettlement and a string to your bow…
    Also if you qualify for ELC grants then look at COLU university of teeside they do a level 3 qual in Electrical and Mechanical engineering by distance learning which is a good grounding prior to HNC/D…..The resettlement process can be an epic and funding isn’t great…. you soon run out of cash!!
    Good luck and let us know how you get on…


    Cheers for the advice guys, I think im going to give the electrical engineering HNC a go via distance learning as I will probarbly have at least another 12 or 18 months left in the RAF (in the absence of a miracle lol). I can do 3 HNCs in electrical engineering, electronics and manufacturing which come as a package (my BTEC covers some modules) and are paid for with learning credits. So I aim to blast through them in my free time – Im single so aint got no excuse! Im gonna give the hydraulics a look into aswell and hopefully get myself some sort of certificate in that aswell. Ta again!

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