Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? Peterheed!!! suicide or not?

Peterheed!!! suicide or not?

Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? Peterheed!!! suicide or not?

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  • #1379
    stevie stuart

    Well its a straight forward question, what do you reckon? gonna be there in 10 hrs.


    Suicide is dangerous, there again so is Peterheed! Full of bloody nutters 😆

    Andy Shiers

    Yep , Hanging ya self with a net and a fish stuck in ya mouth 😯

    stevie stuart

    Ive told you before lost boy just cause its cool for micheal huchence doesn’t mean its normal, keep the kinky stuff to yourself 😀

    Andy Shiers

    I was talking aboot the suicidal bit , not the kinky sex 😯

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