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AAC’s on XLS

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions AAC’s on XLS

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  • #1389

    I can’t work this out, can some-one who knows bit more than me help.
    Here goes, XLS uses 5 of AAC’s for light control and survey AC pwr. These units are similar to SSR’s I believe. (They used to have LT Controller units and SSR’s for AC pwr.)
    Three of these AAC’s are used for Light circuit 1 thru to 6. (2 outputs from each AAC).
    For dimmable lights the AAC is sent a 0 to 10V signal (analogue from STD bus) for the AAC to pump out the variable voltage required.
    However LT circuit 6 runs 2x Sea Arcs and this circuit receives digital signal from DDB which is only 5V signal, wouldn’t the AAC only pump out half the voltage??? SeaArcs are working currently so system ok, but I can’t get my head around it.
    I may be missing something obvious here or illustrating my naivety but if some-one can shed some light on the matter (heehee) it would be appreciated.


    Don’t bother wasting brain power anymore if at all, I didn’t spot jumper to alternate signal requirement.
    Thanks for looking,

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