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looking for work

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner looking for work

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    Im looking to gain employment within the offshore industry.
    i have experience with ropes acess as i was a tree surgeon for a number of years in the uk. i would like to get involved in the rov side of things i poss. i served 7 years in the british army which i feel will be useful in this field. any advice in how to go about finding the right job would be much appreciated.

    many thanks

    John Steadman

    Ray Shields

    Read through the advice already given to dozens of other hopefuls on here, especially the Rookies section of messages. Have a read through the FAQs (link on the left).

    What technical qualifications and/or experience do you have (electrical/electronic/hydraulic). You need to have quals/experience in at least some of these. ROVs are electrical/hydraulic/mechanical pieces of equipment.

    If you do not have any, you will really struggle as hundreds of other people already with these are applying to start and they will get the chance way ahead of you.

    James McLauchlan


    I have to agree with Ray (above). There is plenty of the advice you require already posted in this Forum and elsewhere on the site.

    Please sift through it because you will get the answers you need by doing some research on your time rather than using others to do it for you.


    After many years offshore, as a commercial diver, for various companies, I decided I should continue my career in Rov industry as a Rov Pilot. I am educating sins 07th of January till 26th of January of January 2008 by Global Marine Systems Ltd training centre. In Portland Dorset for ROV pilot technician II and finished as the best on this course (96%) I should contact some serious company regarding my future recruiting, just to avoid possibility of long months waiting on a first job Also I am free I am quite aware of current increase in Rov Pilot personnel needs, so I hope I am applying on time, with following: Long offshore experience on various projects gave dive assist for ROVÕs, from Jacket installations (Saipem 3000 Temsah project), spool connections, to trenching activities (TRB Kashagan), Good knowledge of hydraulics, mechanics and various maintenance
    Do anyone know how to find first job?

    James McLauchlan


    You seem to be doing the right thing. Just keep hammering away and it will come. Companies need people now and anyone with offshore experience will get their foot in the door before those with none.


    Slayered here

    I am working as a Crawler Pilot for two years and are working allready for 11 years offshore. I have tried to get into a some companies but it is difficult. I have done some interviews now with oceaneering and furgro and Subsea 7 but I am not sure witch is the better one and SS7 is talking aboud 100 pounds a per day witch does not sound right.



    hello M8,

    The only way in as far as i found was to knock on doors, send lots of c/vs and make lots of phone calls,

    I got a trainees job after a very long 3 months but it was hard going!

    the company i am with are looking for more trainees,

    BUT they have to be referd by somebody they know or a agent, one of my m8s is a supervisor so he put in a word for me.

    Just keep trying is all i can recommend, if you keep trying you will make it!

    best of luck!

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