hi guys,
i wonder if any one has heard ot this web site called cameltoe.com.
seems all my collegues are always visiting it. i’m thinking they must all be interested in amateur animal podiatry. It all seems rather strange behaviour for offshore types?……hmmmn
what are you doing at a site like that, i thought you spent all your time at hydraulic web sites.
Actually you should not make light of such a viewing marvel. I heard (on my corner stool at bernies bullshitters bar and grill) that some of your sonsub cronies actually experienced true love at "camel toe.com"
Actually mate you didn’t digest the post properly. I said it’s my work mates who are the amateur podiatrists , spending time at that site..
i’ve been cured of such vouyersism, ever since i was watching one of dazza’s blueys. About 15 minutes into it i recognized his watch on a rather busy hand.The memory still haunts me