Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner What do i need to change career?

What do i need to change career?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner What do i need to change career?

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    I currently run and own a groundworks company which i started about 2 years ago and have 8 guys working for me. I used to love my job until i started to come across non paying customers, which really coc things up if you have 2 or 3 in a month, and you still got to please the bank, pay your men and pay your bills and basically ive had enough of it, earnt some good money but happyness has to come first.

    Right ive told you a little about my reasoning to move to a new career and the career i would like to pursue is to work with R O V’s or a commercial Diver, i m 99% set on the R O V route due to my age which is 33 and have been told i would only have about another 15 years left if i took up diving as a career.

    i have recently taken up diving that is why i am so set on a career at sea, i am a bloody addict now cant get enough.
    My background is in construction so all my Qualifications are Construction based, supervisiory courses, and C & G’s coming out of my behind and loads of NVQ’s all in Construction & Maintaince along with health & saftey courses.

    I would to know what i need to be come a R O V techy as i have been told by one training company in the Philippines that i can do there 3 in 1 course to get the experence needed before i take the Techy course and providing i am pro active gain work there after, is this true or should i go back to college again for the hundredth time 🙂

    I hope you guys can shed some light my way as i need to change things Soon as i am not a happy bunny at the mo, Just loads of STRESS, well thanks for listening hope to hear from you lot soon.

    Ray Shields

    Read the threads on here about the ROV training course in the Philipines, most people say stay away it is a waste of money.

    To get into ROVs you require a technical background of qualifications and experience. Thats electrical/electronic or hydraulics. ROVs essentially are technical bits of equipment, the flying part or subsea operations most (but not all) can get with experience.

    Be warned that most ROV training schools will tell you anything you want to hear to get you to part with a lot of cash to do their course. Doing the course WITHOUT the required technical experience or qualifications is almost always a waste of your money.

    Read through all the other threads in the Rookie section on here and in teh FAQ section (link on the left hand side)

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