Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Is ROV Pilot Training available in the US

Is ROV Pilot Training available in the US

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Is ROV Pilot Training available in the US

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    Hi everyone, I am considering doing an IMCA certifed pilot tech course. As I live in the Caribbean I would prefer to do a course on my side of the pond. Anyone got any ideas?
    thanks. Ant.


    ant_t – you need to check the definition of IMCA certification and possibly call IMCA regarding their certification of your school first.


    I don’t know how much time you have, but Monterey Peninsula Community College in California has a full subsea program with a degree in Marine Science.

    It seems that most of these ROV companies are looking for a electronics background or mechanical background. Best to go to school where you live and get a job that uses those skills. check my little web site that I am building for a person like yourself wanting to change careers. http://www.rovtrainee.com

    Good luck


    my brother in law is going to the school in waco, tx. he says that they have several foreigners enrolled and the school is only 2 months long. he says your required to submit resumes to 3 or 4 companies a week and that they have HR people from different companies come in and interview.


    Perry in Houston had a training school running which was a 3 week introduction to ROV’s not sure if its still running. You could probably fly to singapore and do the Cynergetix school cheaper than in the US and have some fun!


    i wouldnt mind learning about perry system. i only deal with schilling and remora. i might look into that perry class later.


    I just heard that there was a course at Cynergetix starting in October. anyone know what the course is like?

    Ray Shields

    Remember that NO training school is IMCA Certified – there is no such thing, they do not CERTIFY anyone. Any place that tells you they do are lying.

    IMCA produce guidelines, schools can teach BASED on these guidelines, but that does not make them IMCA certified. Just be aware theer are many schools out there and they are there to make a profit.

    Also, consider if paying out thousands of $$s will get you a job. You MUST have the appropriate technical qualifications and experience or your chances of getting a job in ROVs is very very slim even if you have attended a training school.


    Remember that NO training school is IMCA Certified – there is no such thing, they do not CERTIFY anyone. Any place that tells you they do are lying.

    IMCA produce guidelines, schools can teach BASED on these guidelines, but that does not make them IMCA certified. Just be aware theer are many schools out there and they are there to make a profit.

    Also, consider if paying out thousands of $$s will get you a job. You MUST have the appropriate technical qualifications and experience or your chances of getting a job in ROVs is very very slim even if you have attended a training school.

    The sad fact is, having had quite a few U.S. personnel over the last 3 years, that the simple fact is the majority of U.S. trainees I’ve had in that time have not met the required standard, with minimal technical ability.
    Quite frankly, the U.S. do not seem to have any concept of apprenticeship, or the idea that it is a total waste of time sending out non technical guys to an ROV worksite. Half the time they can’t even make coffee.


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