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New start looking for accountant advice

Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance New start looking for accountant advice

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    Hi Folks

    Well I’ve just got the start that I’ve been looking for in the industry 😀 😀 .

    I was talking with the lads in the yard and they have said that I should consider getting an accountant just in case I can claim back my tax. This may not be an issue in the first year but you never know.

    I am looking for advice as to what I should be looking for from an accountant 😕 . Are there any questions I should ask to make sure that they understand the tax breaks that I would be looking for. What are the approx. costs per year for the services provided. Are there companies out there that specialize in this field that would be worth a recommendation.

    Any advice gladly accepted 8)

    cheers the now



    It depends on what you want. You can get the likes of Seatax for a nominal amount per year and be one of many, alternatively, as I did, you can pay a bit more (@ 250 pa in total, to cover all fees) and get an accountant who can deal with offshore issues, rental properties, inheritence tax and all sorts of guff and get a personal service. You pays your money and takes your choice. If you want details of my accountant PM me.




    I’ve used Seatax for the last ten years and not had a single problem. They deal with all my offshore issues, my rental property, my wife’s income etc etc etc Costs about £150 per year.

    You don’t have to have an accountant either, you can do your own tax return on-line.



    If you have no complications and are paye with no houses,ex wives other income etc. do your own online. down load the rules from the revenue web site.
    Sea tax will charge 1-200 pounds for an hours work, banditry no other word for it.

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